Yeah, like that. We all start out doing some strange things to get the job done, each time we improve our techniques and share them we everyone else. This case is a fine example, the last 2 (at least) locked up motors got the mix in the cylinders but the engine was always out of the cradle hanging from the rafters without the benefit of the rest of the machine's weight doing the work. It didn't always work that fast or easy, almost felt chore-like. So to by pass chore-like experience on the same job, improvements had to be made, since it was successful, shared with those who would find themselves in a similar situation.. After all we are all here to benefit from others knowledge experience, and improvement to technique.
This site not only has people with excellent mechanical skills, but it also has people with highly evolved artistic abilities, just look at the quality of the builds on this site, it's really incredible. A $%#twagon on this site is far between, They may start off that way, but almost never finish that way . Perhaps that's part of what drives us.