My retirement is coming up in less than 2 years. As a reward to myself, after 27 years as a school teacher, I'm thinking about a month long tour "circumnavigating" the US. After a bit of reckoning, I figure that I can do this for $100 per day for food, lodging, and gas if I am frugal. And I will need to be frugal in order to afford this at all. I'm willing to scrimp in order to make it possible.
So, if anyone along the way can offer up a couch or space on a carpeted floor, I'd be willing to provide a bottle of libation to share during the evening. I can also make a mean ceasar salad.
I'm just beginning this musing and of course life may impose its own plan upon me, but god willing, I'm hitting the road in the summer of 2014 or ('15.) leaving Toronto, heading south to Florida, then west to California, then north to Washington state, then east to home.