Nice goldwing, looks like you did a real nice job on it.
Of course you can tally up the cost of parts and be a lot cheaper, but people who buy a bike that already has the handlebars, paint job, seat, tank, blah blah blah, aren't just buying the parts. They are paying for the labor it takes to put these bikes together, paint, and fabricate a look they want. What is it that some of you guys are missing? Most people in the world can't fabricate, paint, and build one of these motorcycles, they simply don't know where to begin or they don't have the TIME. People in this position will pay to have it done for them, there's nothing wrong with it. I LOATHE mowing the grass and I don't have time for it either. Am I a slacker because I keep a local lawn care business with an extra customer? No.
That is a nice gold wing. Would you sale it for $1,500? I didn't think so. Time and labor is VERY valuable. People on this sight are not your average biker's. They obviously have a deep enough love for riding and working on their machines that they want to read stories from other biker's and write some of their own. These people CAN build their own bike and they obviously do, I've seen a lot of nice ones from this forum.
About Carpy,
Where did I insult him? This guy makes fantastic bikes and he is probably the sole reason that cafe racers are boombing right now. I was insulted and wanted to state my abilities for making my own seat. Most people have no idea how detailed a job it is to hand lay fiberglass. From now on, I will not do this except for really one of a kind builds as it is so very time consuming and I have found a great supplier- I just purchased the identical model that Carpy used for his award winning Black Mamba. I'm sure Carpy can hand lay a beautiful seat, he just doesn't because he knows what a pain it is.
Also, it's not a presumption- he told me. Not that that makes me cool or anything, I just simply called him and asked him about his seats and he said that it was a big mess and that he buys them off of a someone- he was vague about who. He was a great chap to talk to and any chance I get to by something from him like stickers, shirts, or patches I do. As a matter of fact, I have a tattoo that was inspired by the graphics and logo's on his site......hope I don't get sewed.