Hello All! I just recently purchased a 1975 cb400f Four SuperSport for $300. I am having a few issues. this bike has been in a heated garage since 1986 and fuel left in the carbs created 1/8" of hard varnish.

cleaned the carbs, oiled cylinders, replaced spark plugs, cut 1/4" off plug wires, found multiple shorts and wiring problems (which i still need help with), didn't spark before and still doesn't. the reason i picked this bike is because my dad has the same exact bike/year/motor size. anyone have any ideas on these headlight bucket wiring or why the bike wont spark. I'm starting on one thing at a time and think the wiring could be part of the problems I'm having.
the chrome is in good shape

trying it on for size

Wiring problem with the light blue/white, orange/white, black, and 2 missing greens, brown, brown/white, light blue, orange. someone already messed up the wiring. uggg!

let me know if anyone can help me out with my frustration. the old book isn't helping much.