Here are some pics. The center stand (left and right). I've known it was not the correct center stand as the toe kick hits just below my left passenger peg and does not contact the bumper on the muffler. However, I never really gave the height much thought, much less the affect it might have on draining all the oil, though I can see how a change in angle might, but to what extent, who knows. By the way, when extended, the rear tire is approx. 1.5" off the garage floor.
However, the plot thickens. I haven't done another oil change yet, but decided to mark off qts on an empty gallon plastic milk jug to I could measure how much comes out when I do the change. As I was doing this, I was using my wife's kooking measuring cup. Thought, hmm, can't get four qts in this gallon jug. My wife walked in as I was doing this and I pointed it out to her there was 1/3 cup left over that would not fit. She said. "Is that a liquid measure cup, or a dry measure cup?" I said, "Hell, I don't know it's your cup."

Anyway, did it again with a different milk jug, same results. Either I am using the wrong kind of measure, or the dairy industry has been screwing us all out of 1/3 cup of milk in every gallon.

Anyway, after marking the jug, I remembered I hadn't disposed of the last change's oil, so that is the third picture, a comparison of what I got out vs. a jug marked in 1 qt. increments. If I'm using the correct measure to mark the jug, I'm getting out what appears to be about 2.5 qts. but can put in 3 qts.

There might be some small amount held in the filter itself, but can't imagine it's much.
See what you get to spend time on when you're retired.