I have a possibly dumm question about using Plastigage to check crank bearing clearance. Do I have to torque ALL the bolts for the upper and lower cases, to get accurate Plastigage readings? Or, can I just use the 8mm, and 6mm bolts on the bottom case(Crankshaft, and case bolts), since they are the ones holding the crank in place? The other bolts do not seem to do much for torqing the crank down. I bought one set of green bearings, and planned on using them on each journal in turn, to check my clearances( using old bearings to hold crank in place). My problem is, the two journals I have checked so far, read .006 clearance, which seems like a lot since the old bearings look pretty good, not excessively worn looking. Makes me think I may be screwing something up.