Author Topic: Next years vacation plans  (Read 491 times)

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Offline dbscots

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Next years vacation plans
« on: November 12, 2012, 10:45:46 AM »
This is to anyone out there who may be thinking of taking a trip next year, bike or other wise .  I can arrange a 1 week stay at my timeshare condo in Orlando.  If you were to choose the 3rd week in April your stay would be totally FREE.  You could also pick another week in Florida or at any one of a number of other locations thru out the country but for that there would be a nominal "switching " fee of  150.00.  There could also, but not necessarily,
 be some additional fees but that would have to be investigated later.
I know a lot of you are thinking this sounds too good to be true and will simply dismiss what I have to say.  Well think again because this is a totally on the level proposition.  A mutually beneficial proposition.
I am not a company sales rep trying to lure you into a situation in order to try and sell you a time share.  I am an individual who honestly is in a bit of a spot.  Like I said this is mutually benefical.
If you are even the least bit curious feel free to contact me at my regular email address.

