OK; got my OEM CB550 handlebars straightened out to "almost perfect", which a good friend tells me is the time to stop before I screw it up completely. The logic is that nothing can ever really be perfect, so if you stop just short of perfect, you'll be good to go!
I clamped the bars to the bike upside down, so I'd have a stable work area, and where I could see and tug on the wiring. I reinforced any gaps in the wiring sheaths with shrink tubing from RatShack. Then I took my 24" steel fishing leader and fed it through the bars, one leader for each side. No need for cotton balls, it slid right in...and then I looped the outer end around the wiring and elect taped it nice and tight. Didn't need any lube, it pulled/pushed right through. Throttle wiring first, then the clutch wiring. Flip the bars right side up and fine adjust the clamps so the pins fit in the dimples. Feed the clutch cable through and fasten; feed the throttle cables through and fasten them also.
Pretty much done for now. I'll clean up the throttle and the bare end of the bar where the clutch grip fits with lacquer thinner, and see how far I can get the grips on without using tire lube...
A big "Thank You!" to all you gentlemen for your suggestions! This was much easier to do than to describe!