K&N, and other pod makers, have vent filters that are just a small "pod" with a nipple on one end and a stud on the other, you attach it to the frame with the stud and put your vent pipe on the nipple. This keeps bugs from crawling into your engine at least, and collects the oil vapours as well. You tend to wash the filter to remove an excess oil

The engine will rarely suck into that breather so just leaving it open (racing regulations always require a catch can to collect oil, and this is a GOOD idea for any open breather) is not a big problem.
The carb lines are to suck fuel vapour back into the engine - there's not much vapour anyway and the carb bowls are actually open to atmosphere via the overflow tubes. Don't worry about these tubes. I think before 77 or 78 they went to open air anyway, then pollution regulations made them go to the airbox.