ill give ya some background... Went for a ride the other day, bike road great until last 5 miles. All of a sudden there were a lot of odd ticking/banging noises come from the head, around valve 4. Got it home and tore it apart. Took the cam cover off to re torque head (fresh rebuild, still breaking it in) and found that the adjuster for the rocker had come loose. The nut fell off and was wedged in between the valve spring on 4 and the head itself. Glad i found the problem and with no signs of damage. When i was placing the cam cover back on i loosened all of the rocker adjusting pins so that i didn't end up getting improper valve contact. Went by the book to readjusted the contact of rockers and valves (intake .002 exhaust .003) Buttoned everything back up and kicked her right over and it fired right up.
However now i don't understand this. The bike is MUCH louder now then ever before. Also doesn't run quite right off the throttle. It idles just fine, but when i give it even a mild twist of throttle it would die. Had to kinda baby it up to rev it.
Now i was thinking about this and was wondering if MAYBE i did the valve adjustment improperly. IE: Set cylinder 1 clearance when actually 4 was at timing mark, set 2 for clearance when actually 3 was at timing mark. Would the bike still run at all if i did this?
Really confused how all of sudden the bike isn't running right... The bike ran better with the nut wedged in between the spring and head then now...
Tell me what ya think guys! wanna be able to ride with this nice weather were getting next week!