Started a new thread in performance about possibly making manifolds so we can maybe make something positive come out of this thread?
That would be nice seeing as how you started it off so negatively... Just sayin'
That's the problem with political correctness, you're not allowed to tell the truth if it's going to upset the masses.
You look at some of the build threads and the OP's will say "What do you think of my bike?" and you wanna say, "It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, I want to tear out my eyeballs so I'll never accidentally look at it again", but you know that the OP and his pals will be up in arms at you dissing his ride, so instead, you don't say anything, or worse, you make a non-specific compliment like "I love those skull valve caps" and the PO takes that as positive reinforcement that he made the right decision to leave out his fork springs so he could slam his bike down in the weeds.
The fact that if he rides it for more than a mile at speeds in excess of walking pace will probably cause his bike to explosively self-destruct should have nothing to do with it, it's his God given right to turn a perfectly good original bike into something that looks like it's been dragged out of a drain backwards, and if he does fulfill his Darwinian destiny and removes himself from the gene pool, we're all supposed to feel sorry for him and say the nicest things about him, while making non-specific compliments about his bike. ("Geez his alligator arse skin seat cover survived the fire, good job!")
And of course, if anyone is disrespectful enough to diss someone's build on their first thread, they're just being negative. Fair enough too, bloody noobs!