Author Topic: Trip Planning Advice? How to plan and assemble a group ride?  (Read 3995 times)

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Trip Planning Advice? How to plan and assemble a group ride?
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:50:14 AM »
Hi guys,

As I read up on some of the awesome trips you all have been taken (and also I've been recently addicted to the "Adventure Prone" series I found on YouTube), I think it would be awesome to plan a smaller trip to start out with:  Washington DC area to the Tail of the Dragon and back, or similar.

I don't currently own a SOHC Honda, but currently have a 900cc Triumph that would be up to the trip.  For me, there are a few factors that I think would make the trip more fun- I know trips like these are different things to different people, here is what excites me:
-Looking to enjoy the ride and the adventure.  No interest in 1000-mile Iron Butt badge, I'm not looking for time/distance awards
-Would prefer to camp, but not opposed to hotel stays..
-Think it would be more fun with a group of people.
Also, I could only swing a week tops right now of continuous adventure..  Would have to go back to work!

So, for you expert trip do'ers and trip plan'ers, got any ideas for narrowing down trip destinations and routes?  Any hints for finding others that might want to join in?  Any safety tips?  And navigation tips?  Any maintenance-on-the-road guidelines?

I don't yet have any saddle bags or tank bags or a rack- I do own hiking/camping equipment, and of course have a large backpack, riding gear, etc.

Lemme hear ye, experienced ones!!!  :-)

PS:  Check out Adventure Prone- I have no connection with these dudes, other than I find their filmed adventures to be interesting and hilarious, and they're on SOHC CB750's of course!
Adventure Prone Trailer

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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Trip Planning Advice? How to plan and assemble a group ride?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2012, 10:46:47 AM »

Pick a destination, pick a route and go! Find good points of interest along the way. Consider your riding style and the other rider's styles. Stay off Interstates when possible. Stake out cheap hotels in advance along the way. Pack light, you don't need fresh clothes every day! Perhaps 1 spare pair of pants, a few fresh t-shirts and underwear. Include raingear (which can be used as an additional layer for warmth). Get your bike road ready beforehand and just take your tool kit. Don't overthink. If it'll be reliable around town it'll be reliable on the road. Chain lube. Credit card. Extra cell phone battery. Try to plan in at least one contingency day in case of issues such as mechanical or weather or other distractions.

For instance: Hoping to ride from Colorado Springs to Blue Ridge Parkway next season possibly. That's the first part of the plan. Now I gotta get my riding buddy stoked and off work. Let's see, how many miles? Maybe 4,000+?! How long will I need or will I take? 2 weeks plus or minus. Long stretch to get there and back. Probably do the scenic route one way only so that'd probably be going there. Make serious time heading home as that would be the anti-climatic part of the trip. I-70 sux but @ 80+ mph and a straight shot since the fun part has been accomplished. Heading east probably on 2 lane US highways. They are generally better than the average state road.Maybe KS. OK perhaps. What does he want to do? Either way will be a new adverture for either. Looks like the Ozarks will be in the way! Woohooo! Never ridden the Ozarks. That'll take a couple days to wander through and see the sights. 3 days down so far. My buddy has a relative in AR that I'm sure he'd like to visit BUT ONLY FOR THE NIGHT stopover. Bed and warm shower and meal with a friend thing. Eliminates expense of motel too. Then we have friends in westerm KY and Lex, KY to visit for stopovers. 5 nights down. On to the Appalachian Mountains. 9 days +/- left with 2-3 days home. Basics done! So let's say 5-6 days to enjoy BRP and Tail of the Dragon. This is the meat of the experience! Maybe friends/members can hook up along the way and ride? They'd have experience in their neck of the woods that'd make our ride better. Don't want to just zip through and miss stuff just to be able to say we rode it! Now we gotta pick the route and places to visit. Look at blogs and ask forum members about their experiences, check my Harley Ride Planner routes and maps, internet searching. Now it's motels, meals and beers with plenty of BS'ing. When the sight seeing portion is done it's time to do some serious riding home. 2 - 2.5 days maybe. Early up and ride long boring days on the I with the memories filling the brains at 80+ mph all the while thinking and planning the next little adventure. 

Do not sweat the details until the big picture is clear then don't sweat over little details, just beginning and ending of the day with approximate times in mind. Safety tips? Ride within your limits! Nav tips? I still use a map because I can see the whole picture in 1 frame plus I'm not comfortable with map thingie toys on phones and don't want a GPS distraction that I can't focus on while riding. A map at least for a backup! However my buddies iPhone map thingie has 'found' us a few times when we didn't have a clue where we were. Get in touch with members around your routing. Ask for their advise and if they wish to join you. Hoping all the maintenance you'll need to do is oil and adjust your chain provoded you and the bike are ready. 

Hope this helps some.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 10:50:43 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: Trip Planning Advice? How to plan and assemble a group ride?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 07:47:04 AM »
i planned a trip from Pittsburgh to Northern Georgia and i hit in my destination on google maps and then you can drag the route to go where you like... and it tells you how far(driving time and distance) it is to you destination... you can save the maps and send them or post em on here

 heres the trip down and we left the trip back open ended...  this was to the tail of the dragon
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Re: Trip Planning Advice? How to plan and assemble a group ride?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 01:59:27 PM »
Guys/Gals there is a very NICE MC only campground just a few miles off the BRP  in Ferguson ,NC  we have a yearly Honda Chopper meet there the third weekend of June (22/23) but most of us show up early in the week, at least MAPQUEST it stop by and spend a night or two.. Once you've been there you'll always want to return!!

MC only= NO RVs,, small tent trailers pulled by MC is allowed.

One thing , if you plan a group ride, each person should be given emergency contact numbers ,just in case something happens they will know who to contact.
Each person has a different riding style, HOT SHOES, CRUISERS(VIEW FINDERS) and ROOKIES,  someone has to take CHARGE as leader to keep the group together or they will start to separate and you could loose someone over the side and NOT know it.. It HAPPENED in our group last year around Ferguson.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 02:08:09 PM by Xnavylfr »

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Re: Trip Planning Advice? How to plan and assemble a group ride?
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2013, 03:54:26 AM »
Jason, are you aware of Andy's trip to TOG coming up in week or so?  He is going from New England down and back, there is a thread somewhere here.

Since I am local, I will put in my $0.02.  I would take the time and ride at least part of the trip on Skyline drive and/or Blueridge Parkway.  On last fall GZ move I went from my place to Lynchburg for handover and took 29 down and since I left way too early I spiced it up by riding from Elkton to Waynesboro on Skyline drive and from Waynesboro I just winged it through mountains to Lynchburg. 

Curvy roads will wear you out, and technically all you need to do is take 66 West and 81 South to get to the Tail, but why would you?

BTW, time permitting., I would ride with you for a mile or two or more  :)
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