If you didn't actually inspect those emusion tubes to make sure they're clear, then yes, pull them again, and give them a serious work out. It's easier the second time around, but it won't work if those tubes are plugged. I lucked out with my Honda, the carbs were sweet, but my Yamaha was gunked. Took me three trys to get them right, but it runs great now. If the bike was sitting for a while, I'd start at one end, and work your way to the other, taking every electrical connection apart cleaning the contacts, and putting them back together, so you'll know that won't be an issue when you test the electrics. Then inspect all the rubber fuel lines and replace them if they don't look good, that stuffs cheap. That's the kind of intimate stuff that builds the bond between you and her. I wouldn't even try starting it again until after all that. The starter might sound a little different with the throttle open as opposed to closed, shouldn't really drag, but it probably wouldn't hurt to put the battery on the charger while you're doing all the other stuff. And the Beatles are only half dead...I mean..only half the Beatles are dead..