I think the squeal has nothing to do with the pads... although I've not tried the EBC pads. If you don't push the piston back in far enough when you put your new pads in then the brakes won't function properly. Next time you have your wheel off try sequeezing the brake lever a bit (just a bit), and you'll see that when you let go the piston will get pulled back in by the seal. It's a pretty cool design. By not pushing the piston back in far enough, the pads will drag slightly and squeal when you're on the binders... at least this was my experience.
Next you should lube the metal to metal contact points with silicone grease. I think it's pretty obvious where to and not to apply it. I think it's described in the manual. This stuff is sold as anti-sequeal lube... my dad has a tube, but I just took some home from the lab I work in. I believe the tube I used was labelled high temp stopcock silicone grease.
I tired the lube first, which helped a little, but didn't figure out about pushing the piston further in until I accidently sequeezed the brake lever too much when I had the wheel off. Then I _had_ to push the piston in... and the squealling stopped.