You have to take the petcock off. That metal will not take well to thi process. I've done this a few times, and I usually fabricate a block off plate of sheet metal, with a cut inner tube as a gasket. The petcock bolt holes also make a great grounding point for the neg electrode. One thing I'm curious about, I've tried iron, and it seems to work well.. The rebar gets slowly 'eaten', and from my understanding, it's re-plating the tank as it 'donates' its molecules . The spring, while dirty, and probably more conductive, doesn't seem to have given up anything..
I also have found that a battery charger alone does not work very well. Most battery chargers still have some AC ripple in them. I use a charger with a battery inline. This stablizes the DC current AND can supply more amperage, which may help when using a less-conductive metal.