My first impression of watching Gas Monkey a few months back was they were a hack shop but the guys are a trip to watch ha. No way I’d buy a car from those guys lol!! As far as their bike I think it’s a great looking shovel. Classic bike that is popular, add to that the fact they road it to the show and that’s mad props. But the bike is something most of us to could build at home, outsourcing the engine and paint… Is that Biker Build off worthy??? Considering what Jr. and Sr. get away with building I tend to say yeah.
OCC’s bike is really ugly and we all know it would handle about as good as it looks. But you have to admit there was a ton of engineering that went into the build which is very cool. It reminds me of those confederate wrath bikes. And hey let’s be honest here it’s a bike at least. Truthfully there are only three bikes they have built on that show that were ok looking, Cody’s bike, the David Mann tribute bike, and one of Sr.’s bike using a Sugar Bear front end. That’s a Sr. bike that would do good at this event. More Sr. less OCC.
PJD is worse than OCC. The dude is a designer and not a rider. And the bikes he builds reflects that. They appeal to the main stream people, that makes him money, and has kept them on the air for years. Even my wife laughs at his bikes lol..
And ol Jesse, man I would love to have his talent. It’s crazy to see the amount of design work going into his bike. We all know Jesse rides and his bikes reflect it. The issue is no one is really going to know how much goes into designing a bike from scratch that is going to handle like a late model R1 or Duc. Gas Monkey and PJD couldn’t do it. OCC could, but did you see the so called sport bike they built earlier in the year? It had trendy parts but in a weird package.
I respect the design and fab work but I really don’t like the way his bike looks. If you want a HD that handles get a FXR, put a crazy twin cam engine in it and killer suspension. If you want an American made sport bike go see EBR.
Who will win? Who knows cause these shows are all about what speaks to people visually from their lazy boys. To be honest as much as I want Jesse to win I kind of hope Gas Monkey takes it to just screw with everyone. They came with the only bike I would ride and heck they got more miles on their bike than anyone else!