Author Topic: Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed  (Read 886 times)

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Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed
« on: December 06, 2012, 09:21:25 AM »
I assume someone on here has done this before. We recently had hardwoods installed and now I need to drill a hole to feed the coax cable back through. How is this normally done? Do I drill a hole next to the wall where the quarter-round would normally cover it? And then how do you install the trim?
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Re: Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 09:30:44 AM »
I think if you want to get fancy you run the cable in the walls and leave the floor intact.  Either up through the basement or down from the attic.
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Re: Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 10:07:36 AM »
I think if you want to get fancy you run the cable in the walls and leave the floor intact.  Either up through the basement or down from the attic.

moving into our newly purchased house tomorrow.  we've had it for a month.  i've been fishing wire (cable, CAT-5, 14/2) to places it should have been run.  new/more outlets in most rooms. 
if you have a crawl, its easiest to remove your base moulding and run a 4'-6' bit down at the wall base seam into your crawl and fish your wire down through.  from there you can run it anywhere.  just be sure to support it off the crawl floor, and check for other electrical before you drill.
measure where your molding will sit relative to where the cable exits the floor, and use a dremel type tool to make a channel for your cable to tuck in.
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Re: Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2012, 10:28:14 AM »
Where possible, a trick I use is to come through in a closet.
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Re: Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 11:21:36 AM »
Don't even drill a hole in a beautiful new hardwood floor! Install a wall plate with a cable attachment if you're going into an unfinished basement etc.

Locate where you wish to mount it near the TV. First acquire the plate. It can be a stand alone plate if available or get a retrofit box (best option) which has 2 wings that will open and clamp it to the drywall. Not necessary to attach this type of box it to a stud nor is it very possible without removing a big chunk of drywall. Get a drywall hole saw (handheld knife looking saw). Trace the box pattern, punch the saw blade through the drywall and cut out the pattern. You may even wish to save the piece you cut out in case you later decide to reinstall and patch the drywall. Now you're going to need a flexible drill bit intended to drill through the base plate. Got mine at Lowes when I got the plate. It'll cost you maybe $50 total for this project but since you've installed new hardwood $50 ain't #$%*  :). You insert the long shaft into the drywall hole and center it on the base plate. It comes with a handle you use to hold it in a vertical position. 2 people are better due to the long shaft. Gotta hold the drill AND the handle. The drill head should have a hole which you can feed a string/wire through to use to attach to the cable to use to fish it out. Drill the hole, feed your cable up/down and through the hole in the box, insert the box into the hole, tighten the 2 screws in the box which will unfold the wings and firmly attache the box, attach the cable to the plate and install that into the box. Viola, nice clean install and no holes in new hardwood. recently did my 7.2 surround and relocated my cable. Good project for a cold #$%*ty weather day.   
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 11:26:23 AM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
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Re: Need to reinstall cable after having hardwoods installed
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 11:28:54 AM »
Don't even drill a hole in a beautiful new hardwood floor! Install a wall plate with a cable attachment if you're going into an unfinished basement etc.

Locate where you wish to mount it near the TV. First acquire the plate. It can be a stand alone plate if available or get a retrofit box (best option) which has 2 wings that will open and clamp it to the drywall. Not necessary to attach this type of box it to a stud nor is it very possible without removing a big chunk of drywall. Get a drywall hole saw (handheld knife looking saw). Trace the box pattern, punch the saw blade through the drywall and cut out the pattern. You may even wish to save the piece you cut out in case you later decide to reinstall and patch the drywall. Now you're going to need a flexible drill bit intended to drill through the base plate. Got mine at Lowes when I got the plate. It'll cost you maybe $50 total for this project but since you've installed new hardwood $50 ain't #$%*  :). You insert the long shaft into the drywall hole and center it on the base plate. It comes with a handle you use to hold it in a vertical position. 2 people are better due to the long shaft. Gotta hold the drill AND the handle. The drill head should have a hole which you can feed a string/wire through to use to attach to the cable to use to fish it out. Drill the hole, feed your cable up/down and through the hole in the box, insert the box into the hole, tighten the 2 screws in the box which will unfold the wings and firmly attache the box, attach the cable to the plate and install that into the box. Viola, nice clean install and no holes in new hardwood. recently did my 7.2 surround and relocated my cable. Good project for a cold #$%*ty weather day.   


This is the best method, and what I would recommend as well.
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