The fire gently crackles in the fireplace and the light of the candle gently flickers its shadow on the ceiling as I gently roll my red wine in the glass to savor the fresh nectar. My conscience though is drawn away by the beauty that has been exposed onto my computer screen. The sensuous form makes my heart race wildly with every glance and a bead of perspiration begins to form above my quivering lips. My hand tremble as I click the image to enlarge to expose even more detail of the rare and sensuous form before me.My head becomes dizzy and thoughts become blurred when I fantasize the joy it would be to mount this and forever have it in my life.Just as my emotions and physical limits are at a crescendo I am all of a sudden overtaken by the harsh reality that we will never be together,the beautiful object before me,the beauty of which I have always desired,will never be mine.