I am reassembling my 75 CB750K and in the last stages of completion. Last night, for the second time, I tried to put the caliper together with new pads. The first time, I realized that I didn't have the same year caliper for my specific bike. It turned out to be a 77-78 caliper, so I had to order new parts such as the pistion seal, bleeder screw, and pads. Parts arrived yesterday, and once it was all together on the bracket and over the disk, the wheel would not spin freely. To illustrate how tightly the pads are on the rotor, I wasn't able to push the bike around. The forks just compressed when I tried to move the bike forward.
The inside of my rotor and my entire hub are powdercoated. I actually had to use a dremel to get the powdercoat off the inner lip of the rotor so that it would sit flush on the hub. I'm wondering if the additional layers of powdercoat between the two components is pushing the rotor out and causing it to sit too tightly on the active pad. I also wonder if the rotor is mismatched to the caliper.
With this info, what would you guys do? It's been suggested to me by a mechanic to either machine down active pad or to add some sort of shim on the bracket.
Also, how much should the active pad be sticking out of the caliper? Should it be completely flush with nothing sticking out or should there be about 1/8th of an inch protruding? I have Daido pads if that makes any difference.