Author Topic: Yolanda 2.0 new pretty carbs  (Read 119771 times)

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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2012, 10:07:21 AM »
I use this guy (JT Marks) for Honda parts.   He's fast, fairly priced and always seems to have everything I order very quickly.

I've used him many, many times.  Good people.

Looks like good clean fun.

Thanks for the link, ill check it out for sure!

today I got my carb rebuild kit in! still waiting for my soda blaster and ultrasonic cleaner though. one of the washers on the float seat got bent a little but thats an easy fix.

also here is the picture of the left side of my gas tank. the previous owner scribbled this into the side of the tank. it says "Meatball". yeah, he's a meatball alright

« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 02:49:08 PM by cheftuskey121 »

Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2012, 02:52:51 PM »
box of parts came in! throttle push ad pull cables, oil filter, cable luber, and much needed jumper cables.

So I looked again in my airbox and you undo the wingnuts with your hand to get into the air filter side, then when you undo the top half I found the old gasket. definitely getting replaced. now is there a second gasket on the air filter side of the airbox or no? the air filter itself has a kind of foam gasket that feels like it seals the airbox closed when I retighten the wingnuts at the bottom. I just want to know if I need to order one gasket or two. I searched but didn't find that, just mention of A gasket, but not two gaskets. thanks
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 03:23:55 PM by cheftuskey121 »

Offline Tews19

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2012, 04:32:31 PM »
Great write ups so far and nice attention to detail.... Subscribed.
1969 Honda CB750... Basket case
1970 Honda CB750 survivor.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2012, 05:22:24 PM »
What are the jumper cables for?

Don't connect a running auto's battery to your bike.
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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2012, 05:25:45 PM »
What are the jumper cables for?

Don't connect a running auto's battery to your bike.

good to know! they are for me to have in my jeep. and/or if I ever need them for something random. I had to borrow some one time and I figured they were there on the website and I wanted some. I don't own simple things like this, because well I never really use them. I am still a young guy living at home, but I want to own my own things so I am not lost and helpless on my own ;)

Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2012, 03:51:22 PM »
got my carb float height adjuster in the mail today!

also got some stuff from yamiya. 5.5mm fuel lines and the throttle adjuster screw, spring, and clip. curious how customs/duties work with yamiya? am I going to have some kind of bill sent to me or is that taken care of on their end? same with stuff coming from

Offline Kevin D

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2012, 05:07:43 AM »
Hi chef,  nice work so far. Your bike is just a bit newer than mine so there is lots in common. I use the oldman honda interactive wiring diagram. Its accurate AFAIK, and kinda fun too:
I think you are gonna need this battery + cable, and a new fuseblock too.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 04:08:55 AM by Kevin D »
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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2012, 10:44:05 AM »
Hey Kevin. Hanks for checking my build. I have the Honda positive cable and the fuse box with fuse on its way. Hoping by the end of te year to try and start it up!

Offline Tews19

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2012, 05:06:57 PM »
Chef, how much was the fuel line? 5.5 is so hard to come by..
1969 Honda CB750... Basket case
1970 Honda CB750 survivor.

Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2012, 06:29:53 PM »
Chef, how much was the fuel line? 5.5 is so hard to come by..

yeah it wasn't cheap. $23 for 1 meter from yamiya. I wanted to get the right size though the first time. now anxiously awaiting my fusebox, battery negative cable, tank, petcock rebuild kit, carb intake boots, airbox gasket, soda blaster, ultrasonic cleaner, and push start button.

whew. $$$

Offline iron_worker

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2012, 06:38:09 PM »
The airbox just has a 1 seal between the two halves.

You should check out:  ... exploded view diagrams of just about everything on these bikes. They can help with a lot of your questions.


Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2012, 06:44:42 PM »
thanks iron worker, I figured out it was only one, and I ordered it. I actually have that website as my homepage now. I have a good amount of parts coming from them as well on monday! those diagrams are the bomb. still a little hard to see sometimes but handy.

Offline luap

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2012, 07:57:03 PM »
Tank is on the way only a couple more days. Did you put the petcock parts I told you about on the buy list?
What ultrasonic cleaner did you buy? I look at them often but always seem to find something else to buy instead
well done so far
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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2012, 08:30:58 PM »
Hey Paul, I have a Honda petcock rebuild kit on the way. There is plenty to do on the bike but one step at a time for me I don't want to get overwhelmed. I do have gauge repair parts coming so if nothing else ill have those done! I bought the $70 one from harbor freight. Figure between that and the soda blaster ill be able to get SOMETHING cleaned! Hold tight guys. The thread is slow but I'm hoping it will pick up pace soon! I did some post research(silly me) and it turns out I can and will be reusing all of my brass carb parts and really only need the gaskets. So I bought those k&l carb rebuild kits for nothing. Ugh. Going to get Honda carb gasket kits from that jtmarks on eBay,which include the o rings for the tee joints. going to clean and keep my jets as the stock K1 main jets are 120 and the ones in the rebuild kit are 110. Going to return the rebuild kit I bought and shell out the cash for the float valve set for all 4 carbs. expensive from honda at $80 but if I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 09:10:33 PM by cheftuskey121 »

Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2012, 10:11:27 PM »
well its about time for an update. I move slower than molasses sometimes! the other day a bunch of parts came in, and they have been trickling in other days too!

stuff from cmsnl and por-15

I love seeing these honda bags!

got my ultrasonic cleaner in too

finally took part my airbox completely and cleaned it. what a difference so far. forgot to take a picture of the gasket but it made me scratch my head for a few minutes trying to put it on. the PO had a single layer gasket on the one side(which is why I asked if there were one or two gaskets) and putting this new gasket on one side was just too big.....then i realized it goes on the edge of the middle piece effective sealing both sides of the airbox...DUH

got the soda blaster! forgot to take pictures but its the harbor freight one for $34. its a semi open 50lb capacity canister with a hose and gun. bled my compressor of all water and it ran great. only used about 7 pounds of soda on my carbs. here is a bowl that was just blasted compared to one not touched.

carb linkage

got my new fusebox in there. much better, at least for now. when I try to fire it whatever doesnt work is getting replaced, but if it fires then i'll replace it when i do the full tear down and rebuild

thought this looked nice sitting there :)

here I am reassembling my carbs all separated and labeled and whatnot. fairly easy actually

fairly easy until....I was putting in the first carb's jets and didnt realize the needle holder (aerator/thing main jet screws into) does NOT screw down flush with the carb body. so I started cranking down on it, resistance and all.....and got it all the way down and flush only to back it out and see this horror! I have since learned and have to replace that needle holder and the needle jet that is IN the carb body....sigh

onto the tank. so I bought an extra tank here because mine was beyond feasibility. long story short the tank arrived with a clear "dropped" divot in the gas cap area. we are in the process of working this out.

so...I bought that por-15 kit and I figured if my tank is so buggered anyway then why not go for it? well first I picked up some MEK and put that in. it surprisingly cleaned up  lot of the old coating sludge that was in there.

I promise this thing is ugly as all get out in person

the MEK actually let me see bare metal!

I didnt take any more pics of the results of using the por-15 kit, but the MEK was followed by por-strip. so at this point ive had aircraft remover in there, MEK, and now por-strip. that was followed by their marine cleaner.

then followed that with metal ready

now I am drying the tank out with the cutest hair dryer ever. directions state over an over and over and over the tank HAS to be bone dry before the por-15 coating goes in. I figure at this point my tank is actually pretty clean except for some stubborn rust so I am very pleased and am not going to chance messing up the application.

also got my oem handlebars! spend a good hour getting the control wires sorted out in the bucket and unplugged there. LOTS of electrical tape fro the PO and wrapped bare wires. I know he had to elongate the wires to make up for the ape hangers....but a little heat shrink tubing does wonders. pb blaster inside the bars was my friend for helping get it all out. it came out in once piece slowly.

I need a new headlight bucket, one of the 3 places the screws hold the headlight in is chipped and doesnt actually hold the screw....ugh

that's it for now. I have the honda carb gasket rebuild kits coming. I am using all my original jets (they cleaned up great) and still have to get that one needle jet and holder. all of my brass floats are leak free and pretty clean, very happy about that! so my airbox assembly is actually finished with brand new boots, gasket, and clamps. the carbs are all cleaned just waiting to be finished assembled. then I hve the flot height tool to set that as well. waiting on my petcock and screws/gaskets to arrive. mine was actually corroded and metal chunks missing. its going in the trash. got my battery in and filled and charged, now its trickling waiting for me. I have both new positive and negative cables so I have to figure out how those hook up. I know negative is ground on the frame but I dont see a tab it was previously on.

so tomorrow I will finish drying the tank. I cant see any water in there even in the crack but I dont trust it...better safe than sorry. finish putting the switch wires through my new bars, putting the new start button on, putting the new throttle cables on/lube them, and the throttle adjuster screw. then I have to figure out which wire goes where in the headlight bucket (I didnt take pictures again haha). get the battery in place. till waiting for my carb intake boots.  coming from germany and I am impatient.

thanks for reading yet again another novel!

Offline harisuluv

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2012, 10:39:45 PM »
Lemme know if you still need those holders, as I have about 5 of them within arms reach at any time.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2012, 10:40:04 PM »
Nice update Chef.  PM me your address and I'll send the carb parts.
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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2012, 06:18:05 AM »
you guys are way too kind round here, PM incoming!

Offline Garystratos201

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2012, 06:50:28 AM »
Chef I have  a red head lite bucket I`m not going to use. The only thing wrong with it is the po put a toggle switch in it. Yours for the shipping cost............Gary
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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2012, 07:36:44 AM »
Chef I have  a red head lite bucket I`m not going to use. The only thing wrong with it is the po put a toggle switch in it. Yours for the shipping cost............Gary

hey gary, sounds awesome. as long as the 3 mounting holes are in place and the toggle can be taken out ad there isnt an awkward gaping hole I'll take it. I'm not going 100% perfect restoration but I do want to be able to safely mount the light in the bucket! PM incoming

Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2012, 11:46:36 AM »
ok, so I've got my negative battery properly hooked up to the rear engine mounting bolt. now I m trying to put in the positive. did some searching and came cross this interactive wiring diagram. this is great except I like looking at actual pictures. I am not sure where my positive cable goes because it has the very short fat main wire (which can only reach to the solenoid so I assume it goes on the right contact point if you were looking at the panel) but there is a female blade cable (fuse box?) and a female bullet connector (red/white stripe cable). if anyone can help or offer pictures that would be great.

there are two (homemade looking) black wires coming off my right solenoid contact. one goes to the fusebox (this is why I assume the red blade on the new battery cable goes there because its also making the same connection just easier and cleaner) and the other black wire connects to a red/white stripe wire that immeidately goes into the wiring harness. I believe I am answering my own question here but maybe thats where the red/white stripe wire on the new battery cable goes? I need to get connectors now, always something ;)

Offline Stev-o

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2012, 04:01:26 PM »
you guys are way too kind round here, PM incoming!

Carb parts are on the way....
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2012, 04:56:08 PM »
Thanks again Stev-o! Anxiously waiting

Offline Garystratos201

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #48 on: December 21, 2012, 10:20:51 AM »
Headlite bucket on its way via USPS due Monday...............Gary
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Offline cheftuskey121

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Re: First Bike: Yolanda the Honda CB750 K1
« Reply #49 on: December 21, 2012, 12:50:18 PM »
Headlite bucket on its way via USPS due Monday...............Gary
thanks gary! rock on. taking a break today waiting for stuff. don't want to mess with anything that doesn't need to be messed with yet. I got 3 of my carbs reassembled with gaskets and such, just have to finish the last one and put them back on the linkage. waiting a few days for my por-15 to thoroughly dry. the application went well I think. I got the tank bone dry with hours and hours of hair dryer use. seemed to get even coverage with the sealer, and surprisingly the 8oz was about double the amount I needed (a lot came out of the petcock holes when I drained it). I made sure the threads in the petcock holes were cleared properly, and now we wait for it to completely harden.

now waiting for my petcock, carb intake boots, carb #1 parts, and bullet connectors and crimper. gotta figure out how the switches plug back in the headlight bucket...haha. then put the petcock on the tank, put some gas in it, put the carbs and airbox on, add the battery positive, and sit back and watch as I suspect nothing will actually happen ;)