Author Topic: drive chain stupidity  (Read 1920 times)

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drive chain stupidity
« on: May 14, 2005, 11:59:15 AM »
Clueless "mechanic" alert

So, I tried adjuting the drive train this AM, and managed on;y to tighten it so that there's *maybe* a 1/4 inch of play, way less than there's supposed to be. Now I can't get more play into it. What do I do?

thanks in advence


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Re: drive chain stupidity
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2005, 12:41:02 PM »
Loosen the axle nut & back off the adjuster bolts at the rear of the swingarm. Step on the drive chain to move it up.  Turn the adjuster bolts to tension the chain, checking at several points by rotating the wheel.  Some variation in tension as the wheel is turned is normal but if excessive chain and/or sprockets are worn.  If in doubt, replace them all.  Set the adjusters equally by seeing that each side has the same distance according the the marks on the adjuster plates & the swingarm.  Use a long straight pole, string or eyeball to check that the rear tire is in alignment with the front, allowing for the probable narrower front.  If alignment is good use the index marks on the swing arm in the future unless damage occurs.  Tighten the axle nut & repace the cotter pin & tighten up the locknuts on the adjuster bolts or they will fall out.  Grasp the chain at the rear of the rear sprocket & pull away to guage wear.  If 1/2 roller diameter or more is noted with the chain tensioned the chain is worn out.  Look for "hooking" of the sprockets on the driving side of the teeth.  Any visible wear is excessive & the sprocket is worn out.  If mechanical linkage, adjust the brake for minimum pedal movement wihout drag, then adjust the brake switch to work properly.  Lube the chain.
Ride Safe & enjoy your bike, Don (Psycle) Madden

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Re: drive chain stupidity
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2005, 12:48:20 PM »
A very comprehensive description Don.
I've never tried stepping on the chain to bring the wheel back - I usually stand behind the bike and give the rear tyre a solid kick!!
SOHC4 Member #2393
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Re: drive chain stupidity
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2005, 02:46:29 PM »
I hope you wear boots & not tennies!
Cheers, Don (Psycle) Madden.


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Re: drive chain stupidity
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2005, 04:33:47 PM »
So, I guess I need a centerstand to adjust the chain....

Thanks for the info. Guess I'll be paying a sheepish call to a mechanic this week, and will wait until I install new exhaust and center stand before trying this again.


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Re: drive chain stupidity
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2005, 04:53:55 PM »
you dont need the centre stand for the stand on the chain return method... you can still adjust the chain on the side stand, but if you do, remember that chains have tight and loose sections, make sure that a tight section is at the bottom and between the sprokets,when you tighten, this them makes sure that you havent over tightened it at the tight spot... peace  (ps just reread that, and cant think of a better way to say it..sorry)
you are never to old, to act like a kid... be safe
funny thing,chasing someone down hill on a bike 30 years older than theirs..
he said \\\\\\\'it was like watching a 250kg unguided weapon getting stuck up you bum\\\\\\\