Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes
Master cylinder rebuild
I am looking at tearing apart my master cylinder to clean it and replace seals if needed. I have a 1978 cb750K How do I pull the disassemble the master? I know all about the caliper but have not found anything about the master.
Raul CB750K1:
I don't know the K model. I rebuilt my CB750K1 some time ago. There is a genuine Honda rebuild kit with all the pieces. The parts manual will help when showing how every tiny part goes. The biggest issue is a small snap ring that have to be removed. I had to file my snap ring pliers to get access to it.
Hey thanks a lot Bob. Something like that was just what I needed. I thought there was something with the C-clip but you know with these old bikes, it gets harder to find parts, I didn't want to break something. Thanks again. Any chance you might have a diagram of my 1978 k style carbs??? My accel pump is not working right!
an easy way to get the circlip out is to pry it out with an electrical tester (the type that look like a pointed screwdriver) or an engineers scribe. Worked a treat on every one I've done. To clean the cylinder once it's empty, use very fine (about 1000) wet & dry and metho. rinse everything in metho & blast with compressed air. Some people recommend using brake fluid to lubricate new seals & cups but I've never had any trouble using a very small smear of rubber grease.
any ideas from you guys on how to get a corroded circlip out?... have two master cylinders, and one has a stuck circlip.... have had WD40 soaking it for weeks but doesnt seem to want to budge?....peace
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