Hello All, I just thought I might introduce myself and say thanks for all the great info I've found on this site.
My name is Bret and I live in Plymouth, ma. I rode and abused my Dad's and older brother's cb and cl 350's a a teenager and after getting married was out of motorcycles being totally uninspired by what i saw on the roads until a year and a half ago I saw a copy of Cafe Racer mag and I've been a man possessed ever since. I do alot of wood working, mostly guitars these days, and love the idea of taking something broken and making it into your idea of beautiful and functional.
I now have 2 cb550's, a '74 and a '78 and haven't stopped looking. Every time I see an old cb it looks like a puppy that needs a home. Engines are new to me, so, the learnig curve is exciting to me. I'll try to get some pictures up soon.
I can't believe how much I've learned from this site, there are times when I can talk about bikes and kinda sound like I have a clue!
Anyone on this site in the Plymouth, ma area? I can't offer much expertise, but, I can offer some enthusiasm or help with guitars! The bike in the picture is the '74, currently in parts, started doing a top end rebuild but am now going beyond that.
Thanks again, this is the coolest place on my computer.