The whole point of this discussion on my part is this; if you suspect something could be amiss in your engine, please don't dismiss or ignore it. The signs, no matter how subtle, show themselves to us long before we have catastrophic failure. It doesn't matter if its a street bike or dragbike, mechanical issues are like the aches and pains in our bodies. Its a dull, far off feeling at first but eventually, and if we don't address the root cause, the sharps pains will eventually hit us like a ton of bricks.
My post was not to belittle Bill, but to give him a little hell cause he knew something was going on and still he pushed the limits and got caught. He could have been hurt or even killed for ignoring the obvious, but he was saved by a higher power- this is one thing none of us should ever take lightly. He had already set the MPH record so he achieved his goal for the weekend. If I thought Bill was sensitive about this issue, I wouldn't be calling him out in public. If you notice one thing about Bill and I, when we f'up, we don't keep it to ourselves to save face. We share it with our fellow forum members in hopes that our experiences will one day help another person to avoid of mistakes and save a ton of $$$. Or even a life!!!!!!
Love ya Bill!!!!!!!!!!!