Okay, I'm still figuring out how this forum works but here is my build idea. Right now, it is VERY slowly coming together, but hopefully I'll get there!
So, the bike I'm starting with is my 1980 CB650 STD. Got her from a guy near Pitt. for $200 last spring. Sat since her last inspection in '92 first in a barn, then a garage. I brought her home, cleaned her up, serviced everything, got her running all in the span of about 4 days. The spoke rims were junk, tires were rotted (though still held air), fork seals leaked, front brakes were seized, carbs were junk, and probably a few more things. Local guy had most of the stuff I needed--so I thought anyway. They were all from an '82 SC. I, ignorant of CB's in general, eagerly bought the CV carbs, rear Comstar, and a couple of other little things for spares (turn signals, gauges, shocks). Being that I had to use this bike to get to and from work, I was too short on time and $ to fix my spacing error; so I got to rigging. Carbs were mounted via ribbed coolant hose and hose clamps

but it worked! Had to buy the air box manifold from an '82 but everything jived pretty well. Bought new tires, put the rear on the new Comstar. At this point, I was making it to and from work (on a dry rotted, bent front spoke wheel though). Then it happened... I saw the '83 rims and I had to have them!! Soo... I purchased a front and rear, and a set of air assist forks from an '81 Custom (for the dual brakes mostly). Put on the new forks with seals, shimmed in the new front wheel... uh-oh! '83 was shaft drive! The rear wouldn't work!

Long story short, she served her purpose well but I rode her to death and even laid her down a couple times... so now she sits in my garage, oil leaking out of every gasket and seal and the #4 rod bearing clattering nicely... TIME FOR A BUILD!!! And I wanna do her right. I've beaten on her enough, now she deserves better...
So, this is what I now have:
1980 Cb650:
-'81 Front forks and dual piston calipers
-'82 CV carbs, rear wheel, airbox, and rear shocks -also have a black crankcase from '82 as well
-'83 Front wheel
I also added a Shoei FM-2 fairing, drag bars, black mirrors, and black NOS case savers.
My plan:
-retain every bit of the red-headed stepchild that the 650 is. Use the same frame, same family of parts, etc. just like I have been doing. No 650 on a 550 swap or anything.
-Bore the engine to 62mm (to avoid re-sleeving) and stuff either KZ650 pistons or CB750 pistons in (would rather have the 650 pistons though--same cc family

Here is where I need the help though. I want a much hotter cam, heavier springs, lighter retainers, port 'n polish job, the works. But I want to do as much of it myself as possible and the rest as cheaply as possible. I have an extensive mechanical background but I don't know the details of these machines yet like what swaps, where to get stuff, etc. For instance, will 550 valve springs work in the 650? How about the connecting rods? Can I put some side drafts on the 650, same as anyone would the 750? I know the head spacing is the same between the earlier 750s and the '79/'80 650. What is a good cam setup? I'd like to increase the compression ratio and I don't mind using octane booster. I'm looking for a good mid range torque curve with nice top end as well. Provides a racing edge while maintaining streetability.
As far as looks go, I'm thinking a sorta cafe meets streetfighter but still old school.
So am I crazy? Admonish me please!! Am I stupidly and rashly in over my head??? Don't hold back