Those top end leaks can be a #$%*. It could be from a few different places. Valve cover gasket, head gasket, or the "rubber nickels" located under the camshaft holders are the most common sources. The best way to find a leak is to completely clean the engine and ride it a bit and try to track it down. Easier said than done. Prepare to open a can of worms if you decide to bust into the top end. Most likely you will find parts that need replacing. Just something to keep in mind.
After washing off the oil use some aerosol foot powder on the engine before you ride and stop to check frequently during the ride to narrow down the leak(s). The 77/78 750F models are unique and must be properly assembled to be leak-free. There are no less than
FORTY-TWO FORTY-FIVE potential leak points (from top to bottom):
[8] Valve inspection cap o-rings
[1] Tach seal
[1] Valve cover gasket
[4] Of the head nuts are acorn nuts to prevent oil from seeping down the four cylinder studs at the DELETED oil return path locations (77/78 F model ONLY). These particular cylinder studs are exposed to the atmosphere on the 77/78 750F models.
[4] Copper washers at these four acorn nut locations (77/78 F model ONLY)
[4] Cam bearing studs are "bottomless" holes and must be assembled with thread sealer if they are removed from the head
[6] "Coin" or "Nickel" seals under the cam towers that seal the head nut pockets below
[1] Head gasket
[2] O-rings on top of cylinders around the two cylinder studs in the oil FEED path
[4] Rubber "collars" with steel dowels on top of cylinders at the four cylinder studs in the oil RETURN path (K models as well as 75/76 F models use eight of these)
[2] O-rings at the BASE of the cylinders around the two cylinder studs in the oil FEED path
[4] FAT LITTLE O-RINGS at the base of the cylinders around the four cylinder studs at the DELETED oil return path locations (77/78 F model ONLY) THESE ARE NOT INCLUDED IN ANY GASKET SET! They are also no longer distributed by Honda for the CB750F but are still available for certain Honda outboard and lawn mower engines.
[1] Cylinder base gasket
[1] Crankcase breather cover gasket (top of valve cover)
[1] Breather hose connection to valve cover
[1] Timing chain tensioner gasket
I won't count the four cylinder sleeve o-rings (at base of cylinders) since many have run leak free without them even in place (especilly when overbore prevents their use).