I love these threads, I don't really know why, maybe it's like "Show and Tell", without the "Show"? Or maybe it's just cathartic to compare scars? Whatever, I like it.
I used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes as part of my job. Some folks would find that exciting, or even slightly romantic, but I found the whole thing rather annoying to be honest. I mean, these things were quite capable of landing, in which case I could just walk down the staircase? Parachuting is such a silly pastime when you think about it.
Anyway, even though I was trained how to roll when landing, ensuring that only the "meaty" parts of my body contacted the ground, my personal landing styles could be described as either a classic "Heels/arse/head", or the more visually spectacular "Toes/Knees/ Nose". There were varying reasons for this, but the end result was the same, some permanent damage was inevitable.
The DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs) didn't have a choice but to accept liability for my injuries when I retired from the Regular Army, but they weren't generous enough to offer me a "Gold Card", where I'd retire from work permanently on a full pension, free public transport, free medical etc, even though I know guys with similar injuries who do. the DVA do, however, grudgingly reimburse me for my medical expenses within two or three months (or sometimes six, they are public servants, so don't like working too hard) of me lodging a claim.
Recently I've had a lot more pain than usual, so I do enjoy the fortnightly massage (it was twice weekly, then weekly, but the government has run out of money, so now it's fortnightly) from my little Vietnamese Physiotherapist, or "Physio The Rapist" as I like to call her. (obviously wishing that she'd live up to her name) My biggest problem though, is that I don't sleep for more than an hour or two each night.
I've tried sleeping pills and they just don't have any affect on me, I had a mate once who was completely impervious to CS Gas (Tear Gas) so I suppose it's possible that drugs that are supposed to knock me out don't, but anyway, I've found that if I take a couple of "Panadeine Extra" mixed with a couple of "Codral for Flu" tablets before I go to bed, I can usually get 4 or sometimes even 6 hours of reasonable quality sleep. I've tried going to sleep without them a couple of times, but it doesn't work and by 2 or 3 am, I'm in the bathroom, taking the tablets again.
I have "anti-inflammatories" that I take during the day, but I don't take them at night as I don't want to add them to my other four tablets that I take when I go off to bed. I went for a ride with Cliff (Maduncle) today that took in around 100 miles of road that varied in quality from quite good, to pretty crap, and the AI's worked quite well. It would be nice if the pain would go away for awhile though, before this injury I very rarely ever took as much as an aspirin, and nowadays I'm living on various medications.
I suppose I wouldn't mind as much, if I actually enjoyed parachuting........ Cheers, Terry.