Author Topic: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!  (Read 1332 times)

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Offline ncstatecamp

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A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:37:15 AM »
Finally getting my carb fully back together and calibrated (been 6 months) and may have forgotten a thing for 2..

What are theses? (picture one)

And how much snap does your throttle return spring provide without cable?Mine seems kinda weak, won't close the slides from fully open. Anybody gotten a replacement one from lowes or ace?

Should I blue Locktite anything on this assembly?

Offline ncstatecamp

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A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 11:40:24 AM »
Also does this spring look right? It's seems to be tensioned on nothing.

Offline ekpent

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2013, 05:51:07 AM »
750 carbs correct ? Did you have that rack mechanism disassembled ?  Most stock return springs have a rubber cover over them,maybe yours was removed ? Its looks kind of long also,is there a lot of tension on it and did you have to stretch it well to install. The slides should snap back with some authority. The other thing I notice is that your adjuster nuts at the top of the carbs are cranked down pretty far,I usually don't see that many exposed threads when set up correctly. Wish I had a rack here at the house to see if that wound spring is correct,see if you can find a good pic to compare.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 05:53:53 AM by ekpent »

Offline RSchaefer

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2013, 08:20:25 AM »
I just did my carbs ('75, CB750F) and had them completely apart with exception of the very top of each needle valve, the needle height sync adjustment, and I do not recognize those 4 little black pieces at all??
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Offline ekpent

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2013, 09:02:41 AM »
I also do not recognize the four black pieces either in corelation to 750 carbs.

Offline ncstatecamp

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A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 09:43:24 AM »
I had the carbs completely disassembled and cleaned every bit and passageway but left the rack mech alone. These were bench synced with an 1/8" drill bit. I thought they used to close with snap back quickly.

The spring had to be very slightly stretched to be reattached, but when seated is in a position that seems tight and proper. I do remember seeing in others pictures a lil rubber cover over the spring, I'll look to see of its in my box of carb parts maybe.

Offline jerry h

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 10:11:34 AM »
(assuming 750 carb as well)  I don't think that spring is correct.  Too long.   For reference, here's the spring and black tube that slides over the spring off my K2 (657A carb)  Compare size to the AA battery. Maybe PO thought the throttle tension to be too much and replaced with a weaker spring?

I just happen to be working on them at the moment.  Don't recognize the other parts either.
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Offline harisuluv

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2013, 03:57:37 PM »
Don't recognize the clips, they came from somewhere else.  That spring is obviously from a hardware store or something. Looks like is has close to no tension when slides are down. If you lift them up and there is tension that means nothing cause that spring is just now being stretched. When the slides are closed there needs to be active tension on the spring.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 04:03:02 PM by harisuluv »

Offline ncstatecamp

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A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 07:14:04 PM »
Size reference 1
Hook stretch pic 2
Stretch size 3

Yes its a 750k2

There is tension when it's closed. and it has the same degree of turn difference between hooks but looks a bit longer. Looks like I need to find a different spring. Unless this goes elsewhere?

Offline ekpent

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2013, 07:23:05 PM »
Yep ditch that spring.Stock should be rather stiff to install with needle nose pliers and already under good tension before the slides even open.

Offline ncstatecamp

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2013, 02:33:00 AM »
Yep ditch that spring.Stock should be rather stiff to install with needle nose pliers and already under good tension before the slides even open.

any source on a NOS part or like? or should i just try to find something from the hardware store?

Offline harisuluv

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2013, 03:38:23 AM »
That spring you have now is from the hardware store like ACE or something. I went to ace before and looked at their springs and bought about 5 or 6 of the closest ones. Wen I got back home none of them were quite right--didn't have enough tension.  If I were you I would reach out to the wanted section it is a common piece to be missing on a set of carbs but someone's probably has one lying around. Make sure you specify that you need a "K" spring. The F model uses a different spring that goes on differently. On the k the hooks are on different axis on the f they are on the same axis cause the bracket is slightly different.

Offline greenjeans

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Re: A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2013, 11:14:25 AM »
Those slide should be EASY for almost any spring to snap back to closed.  Having said that, I'd definitely get the correct one -  I may have
an extra. I'll look this evening.

Are the slides clean and back in their original places ?    All 4 should slide up and down quite easily with no binding or sticky spots.
Some people swear that you have to keep them in their original carb bodies - I usually interchange mine back and forth before final assembly to get
the most "even" feel that I can between the slides.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 11:16:07 AM by greenjeans »
Yep, I'm the kid that figured out how to put things back together...eventually.

Offline ncstatecamp

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A few quick easy carb assembly questions!
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2013, 11:20:02 AM »
Those slide should be EASY for almost any spring to snap back to closed.  Having said that, I'd definitely get the correct one -  I may have
an extra. I'll look this evening.

Are the slides clean and back in their original places ?    All 4 should slide up and down quite easily with no binding or sticky spots.
Some people swear that you have to keep them in their original carb bodies - I usually interchange mine back and forth before final assembly to get
the most "even" feel that I can between the slides.

They slide very very easy when not in the mounting plate. The rotational force translated to linear movement adds a bit of resistance is all, I think. I just know I cleaned and polished the hell out of those bodies. If you do have have an extra spring youd be willing to part with I'd be super grateful!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 11:22:12 AM by ncstatecamp »