Author Topic: Any paint and body guys around?  (Read 1437 times)

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Offline domer

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Any paint and body guys around?
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:41:14 PM »
Havent been around here much... what can i say, shy of getting backed over a few times, my honda has been the most reliable thing in my stable... we dont talk about the shovel head... everytime i do i costs me $$$  ::) any way im gonna copy this from a paint forum that i havent gotten a response from...  sorry for being generic, im a 2 finger typer! greatly appreciated if anyone has any advice...

new guy... this might be a bit winded, sorry!
Got a project from hell dumped into my lap, a porsche 930t with a chevy 350 (zz4) stuffed in the back. fun scary car. Basically, my dads sick, and doesnt want a project anymore. so im here to finish the body and paint so we can off it and buy him a new vette... long story. so being fairly new to body and paint, and eager to learn i dove right in, learning as i went along... lots from this site. the body was/is trashed, lots of work done in the 70's. whole car is skimmed with filler, some areas pretty thick... rather than take the whole car down, for fear of what other problems we would find, i chose to fix the problem areas. wish i would have takin the whole thing down, but too late for that.

this poor ole girl has many different kinds of filler, old school euro primer, s/s urethane, bc/cc and even rattle can primer on her. shes pretty well blocked down (lord knows theres enough layers to do it!)

Im pretty well set up to paint 24 cfm compressor (178 total gallons), devilbiss gti, binks primer gun, external respirator system, exhaust, yadda yadda... the only thing i dont have is a set up for drying, but i can heat the garage if need, although here in san francisco i dont think ill have a problem. I've had pretty good success painting a couple mc tanks and fenders with some handed down bc/cc, mostly nexa autocolor and zolatone clear (i know, dont mix brands, but its what i had to practice with)

Now im trying to figure out what i should be using for the rest of this porsche... obviously some kind of sealer, sealer then prime? prime then seal? (obviously i dont know). this will be bc/cc and solid black (car was black before), and thanks to being in cali, solvent based is getting harder to find. but looks like i can still order it. Not doing water based. Being a newb, i'm pretty lost... Any recommendations? Brands to avoid? advice?

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2012, 03:08:46 AM »
G'Day Mate, nice car! OK, I've painted lots of cars, but only ever used a sealer once. Get some nice high build primer and spray a couple of wet coats, and see if you get a reaction. (anywhere) If you do, wait for it to dry, spray a coat of sealer over it, let that dry, then hit it with a few more coats of high build.

Spray a mist coat of a contrasting color (important, make sure that the contrasting color is compatible with the top coat, or you'll screw it up royally) over the whole shebang, then wet sand it back with 400-600 grit on a flexible rubber block(don't worry about the guys who'll say to use 1200-2000, they just wanna see your arms fall off) using a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent in the bucket as a wetting agent.

If you're left with any voids, low spots etc, the color of the contrasting mist coat will stay in those low areas. Use some more high build, or some "Spot Putty" (basically thickened primer that comes in a tube) to fill the low areas, let it dry, then rub it flat.

I don't know what paint you can buy in SF mate, I like "2 Pack" (not the dead rap artist) because you don't need much, (1 litre of base coat and a litre of clearcoat would do you whole Porsche) but if all you can buy to use at home is Acrylic lacquer, you'll need 2 litres of color and no clear if it's a straight color, or 2 litres of clear if you are using a metallic color.

When spraying, hold the gun around 10 inches from the work piece. (splay your fingers and thumb as far apart as you can on one hand, and that's the distance the gun should be from the work piece) Adjust the fan width on your gun to around 6-8 inches, and always start in the centre of the hood or trunk (gee I'm getting good at speaking American) and working out to the sides. If you can con one of your buddies to help and you can score 2 guns it'll go real quick, but no biggie if you can't, just work from the centre to one side, then work from that side right around the car.

I use plastic trash bags as tire covers so you don't get any overspray on the wheels and tires. Remove as much from the car as you can, and take the doors and any "swinging panels" off if you can, so you can get inside the door shuts, etc. Masking everything off is a PITA, but do it well and you'll thank yourself afterwards.

Lastly, you're painting it black, which is a great color for a Porsche, but remember, black shows up every ding, low spot, poor repair etc, so ensure that your preparation is perfect. The topcoat is only a reflection of your preparation. Make sure you familiarise yourself with prepwash, (wonderful stuff) and tack rags. Have fun! Cheers, Terry. ;D
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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2012, 10:06:43 AM »
They always look so bewildered without the headlight chrome.

Offline domer

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2012, 11:09:46 AM »
bewildered is the look i get when i fire it up... Nothing is more satisfying then people walking up and asking "what the f@#$ is that???" i cant even take it to 711 without drawing a crowd  ;D hell the last time i posted pics of it on this forum, everyone told me it was photo chopped (remember that thread ::) )

Terry, that is one awesome write up you did there... i got my technique down pretty well, just dont have knowledge of products yet. my worry is coating over the years of crap thats on there... everything else ive painted has been stripped to bare metal. and even then, im using left overs from a friends fathers shop... im not taking any risks, and am going to use a sealer. Guess im gonna head to the paint shop and pick their brains too. Some good tips id of never thought of.... Thanks!

Offline Greggo

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2012, 12:39:14 PM »
Photoshopped  :o  I wonder what they'd say about the 914 V8 my dad used to have ;D

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2012, 12:48:50 PM »
bewildered is the look i get when i fire it up... Nothing is more satisfying then people walking up and asking "what the f@#$ is that???" i cant even take it to 711 without drawing a crowd  ;D hell the last time i posted pics of it on this forum, everyone told me it was photo chopped (remember that thread ::) )

Terry, that is one awesome write up you did there... i got my technique down pretty well, just dont have knowledge of products yet. my worry is coating over the years of crap thats on there... everything else ive painted has been stripped to bare metal. and even then, im using left overs from a friends fathers shop... im not taking any risks, and am going to use a sealer. Guess im gonna head to the paint shop and pick their brains too. Some good tips id of never thought of.... Thanks!

No worries mate, that's a great looking car, have fun! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2012, 02:03:14 PM »
Every time I've painted a BLACK car, I've guide coated with some cheap black spray paint. I will then come back and block sand the whole car AGAIN, this will show any and ALL high and low spots you need to pay attention to. If the body surface is not perfectly smooth you will see it in the paint..

PREP is 90% of a good paint job.


Offline domer

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2013, 11:07:51 PM »
so i finally got this #$%* painted. Body work came out perfect, paint laid very well.... to the point that id leave it except... i got more dust and other #$%* in the clear than i could have imagined. its pretty bad and now keeps me up at night. so im at a loss here, ive cut an buffed by hand on mc tanks and fenders with out a problem. a whole car, be it a lil porsche or not just aint happening, i hope. so im equipped with da's, random and standard orbital sanders, will this do? obviously edges and gnarly curves ill still do by hand, but theres so much i cant see doin the whole car by hand. or should i just hit it with 800 and give her one more "clean room" clear coat (garage is so small, i can only guarantee one or two clean coats before dust is inevitable)

any way heres some during and after shots... still have to paint all the parts i pulled off, cause the garage is too f'n small...


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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2013, 01:02:26 AM »
Give it a couple of days and wash it, I have found this removes a lot of dust from the clear coat ;).
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Offline Greggo

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2013, 06:08:58 AM »
Looks good in the pics!  But, isn't that always the case  ::) ::) ;D

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2013, 02:55:57 PM »
If you sprayed plenty of Clearcoat ,you can go back and WET sand with 600 grit then progress to even finer grit. Then get some stuff called SCRATCH-OUT and buff and polish with it . This stuff has a grit like tooth paste and will pretty much remove all sanding marks. You can use it with a slow buffer.

Body work looks good, you can see a small ding/ripple a mile away.


Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Any paint and body guys around?
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2013, 03:18:40 PM »
I would be doing it by hand, wet sand {with some detergent} with fine paper and a soft block....
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