"Black Sheep"

??!!!!! Are you kidding?
The 77-78 CB750 had the most improvements of all of the Honda CB750 SOHC'sw.
I am not going to list them all .
21 changes in all.
Some of the changes:
Bigger valves.
Redesigned clutch.
More cooling fins on the engine.
Wider cam chain galley.
Better cam chain.
Better oil drain down system.
More cooling fins on the oil filter housing.
Higher 4th and 5th gear.
The only thing I did not like is the carbs. The EPA ruined those.
I am not against a cleaner environment but the way they forced the changes it was a mess.
The 1969-70 CB750 carbs are still the best of all of the carbs.
That is WHY the price for them is very high.
The float bowls removed with a simple clip. No Screws.
You could remove all of the slides while the carbs were on the motorcycle.
No lifter arms or lifter shafts. Huge weight difference.
The idle screws had marks indicating when they were fully closed.
All jets could be removed while the carbs were on the bike.
All mixture screws were easily accessible.
The float bowl drain screws were aluminum as were the vacuum port screws,so corrosion potential was reduced.
One throttle cable.
They produced the most power.
!977-78 Engine-1969 carbs Killer set up!