Author Topic: Experience with these helmets?  (Read 902 times)

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Offline IndyFour

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Experience with these helmets?
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:33:18 AM »
My old HJC has served me well, but it's a few years old now and getting a bit the market for a new one (full face).  I'm shopping in the sub $250 range and have two that I'm considering.  I have tried them both on and like the fit...

Choice #1 - Bell Vortex
Pro - Local dealer has some for $50 off retail right now (last year's stock?) and so I can maybe afford to purchase one of those nifty Bell Photochromatic (self-darkening) visors to put on it.  The other pro is that I really like the look of this helmet.
Con- New helmet at sale price and photochromic visor will put me at top of budget

Choice #2 - Scorpion Exo500
Pro - Has lots of features including pump up cheek pads and flip down inner shade.  Also price is under $200.
Con - I have a flip down inner shade on my HJC and never use it...prefer to put on a dark/mirror visor during the day.  Also, while the pump up cheek pads seem like a good idea, they also seem a big gimicky.  Not sure if they will hold up or if they will be useful.

Anyone have any experience with either of these helmets?  Please share.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 09:57:55 AM by IndyFour »
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Re: Experience with these helmets?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 09:59:29 AM »
I used HJC helmets for a couple of years and switched over to a Scorpion 500.  I bought a tinted shield and have never bothered to put it on because of the flip down shade.  I have never used the pump up cheek pads because the helmet fits me perfectly without pumping.

I absolutely love my Scorpion.  It is much quieter and snugger than the HJCs were and so far it hasn't loosened up like the HJCs did.  All around better experience.

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Offline IndyFour

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Re: Experience with these helmets?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 11:21:38 AM »
Thanks for the input.  Yes, the Scorpion helmet seems to be well built and has a "quality" feel to it.  I could probably adjust to riding with the flip down inner visor versus switching them out, but I really like the "anonymity" of a really dark or mirrored one....don't know why.  Maybe that says something about me and I need therapy.   :o

Regarding the visor on the Scorpion, do you find that the visor lock locks itself while riding?  I like how you can click it one way to crack the visor open slightly, but I have read reviews where people complain that it locks itself.  I think that would be annoying.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 11:43:35 AM by IndyFour »
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Re: Experience with these helmets?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2013, 12:35:38 PM »
It could have happened a couple of times but it is very easy to lock.  I figured I did it reaching up to raise or lower the shade.

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Offline Dimitri13

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Re: Experience with these helmets?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2013, 01:47:01 PM »
Scorpions are great.

Offline azuredesign

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Re: Experience with these helmets?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2013, 02:45:51 PM »
While it may be due to the XL size, the Vortex gets blown around above 65 mph. I thought it must be the shape/size of the helmet that caused buffetting not only if I turned my head, but even if I was looking straight in front of me.
Anybody else have the same experience?
I ditched it, and bought a new Arai last season, which I am very happy with.

Offline 70CB750

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Re: Experience with these helmets?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2013, 03:30:31 PM »
I got me AFX FX-140 and I am very happy with it. Convertible, drop down shade, vents, buckle/unbuckle with gloves on. Sits well no matter the speed.

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