Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I have already had two members help me with parts for my 1972 cb350f, so many thanks. I have really enjoyed reading everything and finding out so many good tips. Well, back in the early 70's I had a Honda SL175 that I rode everywhere and often too far for the bike. Anyway, I always wanted a bigger cb or cl but alas it never, well almost never came to be. Two marriages and you know the rest of the story. Started looking around ebay and craigslist about 5 years ago for a bike but never pulled the trigger until one fateful day last summer when I bought the cb350f (I did get an old Yamaha RD 250 and few months before that but it needs much work and that is another story). Well, two months later I found a completely stock 1975 Honda cb550 that had already gotten new tires, new chain, minor carb rebuild, oil changed, new battery, new spoke job and a generally good cleaning - paid $900.
So I've been working on the cb350f quite hard so far and it is running great. The only thing not working are the front turn signals. I just had it painted and re-striped back to original red and am about to re-spoke and really clean it up well (this cold weather really sucks!). Hopefully both bikes will be hitting the road hard come spring.
Looking forward to spending more time here and thanks in advance for all your tips and help.