Did some more work on the rear fender. Unfortunately the rest will have to wait until the weather warms up because making the fiberglass mold made my house uninhabitable for two days. The fumes just kept rising up from the basement even with a vent fan running. Stage two will have to be done outside in a few months.
After much reading on the art of fiberglass I determined that to do this right, I would need to make a mold out of fiberglass, then make the fiberglass fender from the mold.
Here is the "plug" used to make the mold. It was first shaped from 3 layers of a 2" rigid insulation panel. Then skim coated with bondo, then primed, sanded, and finally coated with 8 layers of Carnuba wax and two coats of PVA mold release.

Then, 2 coats of gel-coat (pigmented yellow) followed by 5 layers of fiberglass mat (pigmented black, although I don't know why I did that - maybe the fumes from the gel-coat). Probably should have gone with 7 layers of mat but ran out of resin and patience.

The mold released from the plug without too much trouble. Now I need to repeat the above process (using the mold instead of the plug) to make the fender.

I was hoping to complete the fender before I moved on to the seat but I can't wait until spring so I'm now in the process of learning how to pad and cover a seat. Hopefully the wife's sewing machine will be able to stitch through the vinyl I use for the seat cover.