Progress is still happening believe it or not! I ordered some Mikes XS650 fork emulators when I saw they were available again. I probably will not install these for a while since I just rebuilt the forks not long ago. I will definitely get them in there before I get riding much.
My focus lately has been mounting my electronics. I made a simple electronics tray to put the wiring and regulator/rectifier in.

The regulator/rectifier will go on the underside of the pan in the rear, to make sure it has some air flow to keep it cool. The wires will go through the rectangular hole to connect to the rest of the wiring.
I made a simple battery box out of some aluminum and riveted it together. Then made a bracket out of steel to mount it on the existing center stand mounts. I have next to zero experience with fabricating stuff from sheet metal, so I think it came out pretty good. All I used was a hammer, vice, HF rivet gun, and a HF cut off tool

. Oh, and I used Google Sketchup to make the patterns for the box and bracket.

Box and bracket

Crappy picture of the bracket

Another crappy picture of the bracket

Mocked up

I think it should work out. Im sure there are a lot of better ways to do it, but I dont have access to a welder so that really limits the options.
Ill finish up the mounting this weekend and look at mounting options for starter solenoid.
Ill try to not make it months between posts anymore