I use a full face Shoei helmet. It was 95 degrees in Orlando today and was a
bit on the hot side in the helmet but bearable.
Two interesting things. Parked next to a guy on a new crotch rocket that looked
like it had been laid down. Turned out he was riding on I-4 here behind a large semi
that picked up (or dropped) a 12 inch steel rod and flung it right at him. He laid the
bike down at about 50 mph in the middle lane to dodge the bar. Four lanes of traffic
managed to miss him and his bike. Made me cringe.
Next, as I was riding home I saw a rear ender type accident that involved four cars and
a bike....the bike was number two in line. I think the guy was OK as he was up walking,
but his bike got crunched between cars one and two. The guy that hit them was two
more cars back. How can you protect yourself from something like this.