Both Fox and MSNBC are extremist in their views, just from different sides, so either is a bad example of who to listen to. And you should note that both articles use words like proposed, will, can, and could. And may I remind you of what Popular Science magazine from the 60s said what cars would look like today. I'm not saying it couldn't possibly happen, but just because technology makes it possible, doesn't mean it will happen.
I recently posted a question in a GM forum about removing OnStar, not because of paranoia, but because I want my own stereo system instead of the stock one, and OnStar is integrated into the stock stereo. All I found in Google on the subject was paranoia. We live in a paranoid society. Don't buy into the paranoia. Don't bury your head in the sand either. Watch C-Span for what the government is doing, not some newscaster's idea of what he/she thinks is going on.