Author Topic: cb400 poor acceleration  (Read 14393 times)

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Offline hoodellyhoo

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #100 on: March 02, 2013, 11:37:40 AM »
Do you have any other forum members near you? I guess if I was as stumped as you I would be looking for someone to get a second opinion from. Let them ride the bike and see what they think.

I thought long and hard about selling my 350 a while back. As nice as it would have been to have the money I KNOW I would have regretted it and it would be very hard to find another one in as nice of condition. They're such sweet running little motors and a rare sight on the roads these days. So in the end I decided to keep it.
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Offline txterror

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #101 on: March 03, 2013, 12:22:59 AM »
Havent tried lookin for members near me but i did take it to a shop today, to get their opinion. Guy took it for a spin and said he thinks i need to play with the jets.  Said my problem was fuel related. These guys work on these bikes alot. Cool dudes. He also said how rare these 400's are. Which made me feel even more beter about not selling it. He also said that i ahould put the pods back on since it was running lean with em. Because he feels its easier to figure out lean issues rather than rich. I got rid of the pods because i didnt want to mess with the rejetting issues that come with em. What do yall think?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 02:29:59 PM by txterror »
1975 cb400f

Offline dave500

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #102 on: March 03, 2013, 12:46:10 AM »
foobah,use the stock air box for drivability,especially since you want to commute on it.

is it possible a po drilled the jets?it had pods?try new ones or try passing a drill bit of the jet size through one.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 12:48:51 AM by dave500 »

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #103 on: March 03, 2013, 02:37:22 AM »
These bikes are far easier to tune with the airbox, go see someone that knows what they are talking about....
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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #104 on: March 04, 2013, 09:04:03 AM »
they're not rare...they're just rarely seen in MC shops as no one there knows how to work on them.
Dont go back.
'78 750K (F3 engine) PD42b's, Modified airbox w/K&N  filter, 40/110 jets, 1 needle shim, IMS@ 1 turn out. Kerker + Cone 18" QuietCore

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #105 on: March 05, 2013, 06:58:48 PM »
they're not rare...they're just rarely seen in MC shops as no one there knows how to work on them.
Dont go back.

What he said ^^^... :(
I get a LOT of the CB400F bikes here for these sorts of problems, and I would seriously estimate that 80% of them have been simply SCREWED UP by a local shop, even a Honda shop (if one would even work on them).

The #1 problem: the tiny emulsifier holes in the mainjet holders (which are called the "emulsifier tubes") are partially (or even fully) blocked with a calcium that comes from ethanol gas when the carbs are allowed to dry out. If gas preservative was ever used, this green stuff will completely plug those holes.

In addition, ethanol-laced fuels (and other EPA tweakings to our 'modern' gasolines) require much more air to make the fuel burn. This is their attempt to make it "cleaner' fuel. Trouble is: older carbs are not calibrated to that air supply. So, if the emulsifier holes are even slightly clogged, the fuel will not 'bubble' and then it won't burn well, making dark sparkplugs and poor performance.

Moral: pull out the emulsifier tube and clean out those holes. Start by chucking the tube into a drill, spin it and gently polish the surface CLEAN with 200 grit emery paper, lightly. Clean well, then push the largest wire or pointed object (or a tiny drill) possible into every hole to clean them out. You will find crud, guaranteed, if the bike has been sitting for a year or more in recent history.

Then take out the idle jets: you will see that they are a miniature version of the emulsifer tube, so repeat the process with them.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline txterror

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #106 on: March 20, 2013, 02:28:41 PM »
Thanks for the tips, its been a awhile since ive been on here as i have been in italy for the past couple of weeks. Theres alot of two wheeled machines out there. Im planning on getting the carbs off this weekend and checking clip position. Im hoping this is my problem, since PO had pods on there. If its not that than ill probably buy new stock jets. I have a guy interested in trading his 2006 thruxton. I dont think its gonna happen because he want my bike plus tooo much cash. Just wana ride, sad face.
1975 cb400f

Offline txterror

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #107 on: March 29, 2013, 11:42:16 PM »
Just wanted to give an update on my progress. Got into the carbs to inspect clip position and it was in stock position. Was a little bumbed as i was hoping this was the issue. But ii raised floats to 23mm and she ran quite well. Was even succesful with clear tube test. Rode for a good 45min today and man it.was fun. Although i did have to remove airbox lid to get her to run like she did. Is it ok to run without lid? Supposively second filter i bought from ebay was stock. Thanks again guys for all the help and patients. I think next upgrade will be hondamans ignition unit.... When i get some extra cash.
1975 cb400f

Offline hoodellyhoo

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Re: cb400 poor acceleration
« Reply #108 on: March 30, 2013, 03:35:52 PM »
Just wanted to give an update on my progress. Got into the carbs to inspect clip position and it was in stock position. Was a little bumbed as i was hoping this was the issue. But ii raised floats to 23mm and she ran quite well. Was even succesful with clear tube test. Rode for a good 45min today and man it.was fun. Although i did have to remove airbox lid to get her to run like she did. Is it ok to run without lid? Supposively second filter i bought from ebay was stock. Thanks again guys for all the help and patients. I think next upgrade will be hondamans ignition unit.... When i get some extra cash.

Nothing wrong with running without the lid
1972 CB350F (Back from the Dead!)-
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