Going to do my best to describe this because it's driving crazy(ier).
Putting CB500 back on the road slowly. New rings, cleaned carbs, synced. Starts and idles great. Been running it around he neighborhood stretching its legs. Runs good. Still may need some cleaning on the idle jets bc a little grumpy taking off until you're on the throttle good.
Ok, on to the question. There is a noise coming from the left side of the motor while it's moving. It's not the ticking sound like a valve, but more of a short whoosh (ugh, so technical sounding) every second or so. It's too slow to be a wheel bearing sound bc it's slower than the revolutions of the wheel and doesn't increase in frequency in step with wheel speed. It will increase slowly as speed and revs increase but it sounds more engine/trans than wheel.
Also, took it around the block again tonight to study the sound more. The sound is more prominent when applying throttle. When you left off throttle and coast, it's still there but not as loud. Also, pull the clutch and it goes away....so is this a poorly adjusted clutch?
Thanks everybody, and sorry in advance the vagueness.