Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word "fu..". It is the one magical word which, just by its sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate.
In language, "fu.." falls into many grammatical categories.
It can be used as a verb, adverb, noun, adjective
Greetings "How the fu.. are ya?"
Fraud "I got fu...d by the Harley dealer."
Resignation "Oh, fu.. it!"
Trouble "I guess I'm fu...d now."
Aggression "FU.. YOU!"
Disgust "Fu.. me."
Confusion "What the fu..

Difficulty "I don't understand this fu....g business!"
Despair "#$%*ed again..."
Pleasure "I fu....g couldn't be happier."
Displeasure "What the fu.. is going on here?"
Lost "Where the fu.. are we."
Disbelief "UN#$%*ING BELIEVABLE!"
Retaliation "Up your fu....g ass!"
Denial "I didn't fu....g do it."
Perplexity "I know fu.. about it."
Apathy "Who really gives a fu.., anyhow?"
Suspicion "Who the fu.. are you?"
Panic "Let's get the fu.. out of here."
Directions "Fu.. off."
Disbelief "How the fu.. did you do that?"
It can be used in an anatomical description- "He's a #$%*."
It can be used to tell time- "It's five fu....g thirty."
It can be used in business- "How did I wind up with this fu....g job?"
It can be maternal- "Mother fu...r."
It can be political- "Fu.. all those clowns on capitol hill!"
It can be paternal "What do you mean I'm a fu....g father?"
It has also been used by many notable people throughout history...
"What the fu.. was that?"
- Mayor of Hiroshima
"Where the fu.. is all this water coming from?"
- Captain of the Titanic
"She will never fu....g know."
- Jessie James
"Who's gonna fu....g find out?"
- Richard Nixon
"Heads are going to fu....g roll."
- Anne Boleyn
"Any fu....g idiot could understand that."
- Albert Einstein
"It does fu....g so, look like her!"
- Picasso
"You want what on the fu....g ceiling?"
- Michaelangelo
"So what if it's fu....g swamp land, don't you have any fu....g vision."
- Walt Disney
"Scattered fu....g showers my ass."