I don't have my 650s any longer but if memory serves me, you are not in the correct position. You need to rotate the crank until you see the 1-4 marking. You then want to align the index arrow with the line that sits Right above the letter T. You then have to check to see if cylinder 1 is at TDC; if you can wiggle the rocker arms on both the intake and exhaust, you've found it. If it isn't , rotate the crank clockwise again to the same position and then check both rockers on cyl. 1.
On the 650, the manual calls for adjusting some of the valves on 3 of the cylinders with cyl 1 in TDC. Check both valves in 1, ex in 2, in in 3, and none in 4. I believe it is .05 mm intake and .08 mm exhaust.
Now rotate another 360 to the same index spot and check to be sure cyl 4 is in TDC ( wiggle both rocker arms). Check the remaining valves and you're done.
Regarding the plugs, it's hard to say. But I can promise you they are not as good as the 4 new plugs you can buy for about $10..