In my noobie introduction I promised some pictures. Then I started taking the bike apart and realized I had not taken any pictures. And now I have a lot of questions. However, I'll keep it to minimum for this first post. I paid $500 for the bike and it runs and rides great. It's just ugly.
While taking these pictures I thought it would be good to take off the side covers and take pictures of the stuff behind them for future reference. Well, one cracked and the other broke off one of the tabs. Does anybody have any good methods of repair? I don't want to buy more old used ones only to run into the same issue. I am also in the process of repairing a plastic bumper on my car. I'm using a Fusor adhesive for this repair. Will the same type of adhesive work on these covers?
Second issue. The exhaust system is really ugly and has dents on the under side of the pipes. I want to buy a new system but don't want to spend $1000.00 on a reproduction system if it will not add at least that much value to the bike. Will the value of the finished bike be hurt by putting on a MAC two into four system? I do want to stay with pipes on both sides. The last thing I want to do is pour more money into the bike than it will worth.
Thanks for any and all help.