I'm a complete and total ass - no question about that. Frankly, whatever exchange I might have had with you in the past here escapes me - although whatever I said, I'm sure I was right

So, considering that, I went back and refreshed myself on my posts here related to you. I presume this thread is the one you are at odds with?
http://www.sohc4.us/forums/index.php?topic=11421.30Looks like I'm in the #$%*head club as well - if you're not with me, you're against me! Maybe that could be your tag line for your logo.
You actually suggest in that thread that if your auctioned bike had had a clear title, it would have likely sold for closer to $3,000 than the $1,700 it sold for. WTF are you smoking? Since when is a title on a bike worth $1,300?
So, you've been around a LOOONG time, building bikes?
PS- at the bottom is me on my first ever sort-of-cafe build about 3 years ago out of a 1980 DOHC 750. I know, I know- at least I was trying.So, three years ago, you worked up a 750, call it a 'build', which I get
such a kick out of, and to the best of anyone's knowledge have only put together one other project which you sold on eBay. Now, with a whopping 25 odd posts of contribution to this community, most of which is #$%*ing about the people here, you start a thread asking for input on the logo for your Custom Cafe business.
What an illustrious history of blood, sweat, tears, dedication, devotion and contribution to the industry. I said it once, and I'll say it again WITHOUT the winking smilie - build a bike, then build a logo.
I'm no veteran, to be sure. I'm a young 36, have only been riding/working on these old Hondas since the late '90's, and have only owned three of them. I've been part of this community since that time, participating on the Greenspun boards way back when. I've learned a hell of a lot in my short time here, and like to think I've been able to begin paying it back in recent years with my own contributions based on my restoring my three Hondas.
If you have a differing opinion as to my contribution, feel free to read through the 1,000 posts I've made on this latest iteration of the board and get back to me with a summary of my lack of value. If I've spent all that time and effort making 1,000 useless posts full of drivel, I'd sure like to know.
Oh, and if you want to be taken seriously, lose the fancy way-too-white sneakers and get a jacket that fits. Your wrists are gonna get sunburned.