Hy JP, was your revelation the same as mine?
Picture the waitress on the cover of Supertramp's - Breakfast in America...
only hot (look up the cover if you can't remember what she looks like).

Put a helmet and goggles on her, and have a... (damn, can't think) "something" laying on her tray. Turn it into b&w vector art and there you go! Okay, if you insist, she can be straddling one of your bikes.
No? That's not your revelation? Damn! Oh well, I'll sell you mine for a quarter.

P.S. In an attempt to avoid flaming reply's, please note that I am a smartass. Logo suggestion is (mildly) serious, but the manner in which is was conveyed was meant to evoke a chuckle, not blow anyone's gasket. Just remember: Kyle=smartass and we'll get along fine.