I inverted the colors with Paint so you can see the holes a little better. Looks like I've got something I can do without replacing the whole exhaust! Do you think doing this will yield any other benefits besides the added sound? Is that enough to offer enough less restriction to see any gains?
Thanks for improving the pic.

If the mufflers had been without the drilled holes when I got the bike, I don't think I would have drilled them. But since they were I didn't have any option. I really don't know how the bike ran before the holes were drilled, so I can't tell if it made any difference though. There are no running problems, so it seems to work. However, the stock 92 main jets had been replaced with 98 mains.
What I do know is that sometimes when you open a stock system that way, performance sometimes goes down, and fuel consumption goes up.
The consume on this bike is an average of 50~51 mpg. The best I have seen on a long ride with cruising speed around 55mph is 56mpg, ridden a bit harder, 44mpg. So it doesn't seem that the drilling of these mufflers have had much influence on the fuel comsumption.
This is how it sounds running on the main stand: