Author Topic: Witnessed a nasty car wreck today  (Read 759 times)

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Offline scottly

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Witnessed a nasty car wreck today
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:12:08 PM »
I'm still a bit shaky. I was stopped in the left-hand turn lane on Hwy 69, at Main st, when a car turned left in front of me from the right-hand lane of the highway, directly into the path of an on-coming SUV. (The speed limit on this stretch of 69 is 65 MPH.) The SUV T-boned the car on the passenger side. The point of impact was about 25-30' feet from me. I doubt that the lady driving the car survived, but I did see an elderly man getting out of the SUV, with EMTs lending a hand. I actually covered my eyes milliseconds before the impact; I knew it was going to happen, and couldn't bear to watch. I didn't think about it until one of the other witnesses mentioned it to me, was how lucky I was that neither vehicle had careened into my direction instead of to my left.
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Re: Witnessed a nasty car wreck today
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 10:20:06 PM »
 Bummer glad you did not actually see it and that you did not become a part of the impact....hard things to be around..
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Re: Witnessed a nasty car wreck today
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 03:54:19 AM »
It always shakes me up seeing something like that.
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Re: Witnessed a nasty car wreck today
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 03:55:43 AM »
Thank God....................
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Offline knowsnothing

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Re: Witnessed a nasty car wreck today
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 11:46:34 AM »
I was in an accident like this back in college.  The g/f and I were heading south on a road coming back from renting a movie, she was driving.  There was an old man, his wife, and their special needs daughter in the northbound turn lane waiting to make a left across our lanes.  We had a green light and they had a yield on green.  We were doing about 45mph (the speed limit) and it had just started to rain.  As we got to the intersection, the old guy pulled right out in front of us. 

It happened so fast there wasn't time to do anything.  Luckily the g/f had #$%*ed at me literally 1 minute before about putting my seat belt so we both had them on (i probably would have died otherwise), but the car was old (87 ford tempo i think) so it didn't have air bags.  I remember the g/f screaming right before impact, chaos, and then us rolling backwards down the side street the old guy was trying to turn on to.  I had the where-with-all the pull the e brake so we came to a stop. Their car shot off to the left and went through a fence and almost hit a house 50 feet away. 

Sadly we hit the front passenger door where the lady was sitting and she died on impact.  The old man was pretty banged up and had some lacerations on his legs.  I had serious whip lash and a nasty seat belt burn across my chest and lap.  The seat belt chewed through the shirt i was wearing, I still have it somewhere.  My g/f must have hit the steering column because she had a pretty bruised sternum.  The worst part of it all was after i got out of our car I looked over at the other car and saw the daughter in the back screaming/ crying shaking her mom who's head was just rolling around as she did it.

Needless to say there was an investigation.  We weren't found at fault for anything and now they have a turn arrow only for that left.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 04:02:45 PM by knowsnothing »
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Offline flybox1

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Re: Witnessed a nasty car wreck today
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 12:03:34 PM »
hate seeing or coming up on accidents.... :-\
me and my ex gf were on our way home late from a movie. minimal traffic on the freeway.  we got passed by racing mustang gt and a porsche 944turbo.  i estimated they were in the 90-95 as they disappeared into a tunnel.  at the other end of the tunnel, the freeway forks left South and right north.  the porsche was in the north land and attempted to follow the mustang south, but spun and put the car, passenger side first into the lane splitting waterbarrels/barrier....
we came up on the scene first and the driver of the porsche had already bailed and was running from the scene.
i jumped up on the roof of the car and calmed the passenger through the sunroof until medics got there to cut him out...passenger door crushed his whole right side and pinned him in.  luckily he survived. both guys were drunk....
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