I was thinking about this while shaving this morning. I think maybe women like idiots because that shows you're not stupid. Stupid is macho, narrow minded, and controlling. An idiot can have fun without focusing on himself all the time; wondering if his shirttail is out too far, how's the hair, how do I look doing this? kind of stuff. An idiot can have a good time without judging her for not shavng her legs in the last week. God is in the details, and women REALLY notice and appreciate little things like that.
I'm reminded of a time my brother introduced me to a girl at the restaurant he was working at. I was about to start eating some really fluffy thing with whipped creme on it and as he said her name, I held out my right hand and simultaneously swung my left up and stuck the dessert onto the left side of the glasses I was wearing. I kept a totally deadpan face as we shook hands.
She turned out to be pretty boring...