Recent purchase, and the bike runs good. Battery is strong, and most electrical seems fine.
...except the past few times I've ridden, the bike will shut down (all electrical) somewhat randomly. I have been able to open the seat, wiggle the battery connections, and then re-try. Lights come on, bike starts.
Re-tightened battery connections, and test drove.... It cut out again. This time, I just sat for a minute and re-tried. Lights came on, bike starts.
Last couple times I've ridden, it's cut out more frequently.
Very odd, as it is only "off" for a minute or two, then it works again. I suspect this will be an increasingly common occurrence, and it needs to be addressed!
I checked the SOHC database, and found some good info, but nothing that quite matches the problem. Do you guys have any wisdom for me?
Thanks in advance,
Greg Ernst
Long Beach, CA
Stock CB750K5