Author Topic: 1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow  (Read 2408 times)

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Offline Gunga

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1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:07:34 PM »
1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow;sa=view;id=749

Just picked this bike up for 1300 and haven't heard it run.  I trusted the guy who said he rode it a few times the year before and said it bogged out at first and then opened up.  I am taking it to a shop in Owatonna MN who states they have a great carb guy to go through it and clean or?  I hope I didn't get screwed.  It seems all original except for the muffler, grips and tires.  I missed riding because I sold my 74 cb450.  I wonder how this machine will compare. 

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: 1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 02:19:59 PM »
Congratulations, I think you got a GREAT deal. You're going to like this. It'll make you forget about that 450  ;D

Let us know if we can help.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Gunga

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Re: 1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 03:08:07 PM »
Thanks for the nice welcome.  When I'm at the shop are there certain things I should have checked out for this year?  Chronic issues?   The chain looked really dry.  Does anybody know if these bikes had a narrow handlebar.  I think the 74 cb450 had wider and more comfortable bars.  I want to change the grips as well but not sure whether to go original type or a cool looking chrome set.  Comments appreciated. 

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: 1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 04:52:13 PM »
Bars:  ~31" W X ~6" rise and ~7" across the base. Those looks about right from what I can tell from your picture.

Original Honda grips - do you like to ride with gloves? do you have callouses on your hands? I just put on new ones with my restoration. I'll be riding with my gloves! Maybe some tittie grips as we called them back in the day when case savers were crash bars and passenger backrests were sissy bars.

Try these 5" is correct Squeeze em once and you'll understand the name  ;)

Nothing particular about these 750F's. If your chain was dry check it out for stretch, etc. If you can see the top of a tooth on the rear sprocket when you lift it up it's time for a new one. If you replace it do yourself a favor and do NOT buy a cheap chain. It'll stretch excessively. High tensile strength 10,000lb+ area and it will last you a LONG time and won't need adjusting every week like a cheapie. O-ring or X-ring might serve you best. $$ though. Good investment.
Keep it lubed. Take a peak at the condition of the teeth on the sprocket for wear too.

Low miles?? Looks like it is low mileage.

You may want to install an electronic ignition next time it needs tuning. Set it and forget it. No double sets of points every year and it will run better/more consistently. That was my first upgrade and well worth it. I never got the hang of setting both points sets together.

Your headlight doesn't have the factory reflectors on the sides. 2 parts on each side. They are available from Honda but the nut that holds them is not.

If you go to makes changes hang on to all your take-offs. Some of it is impossible to find decent replacements and we're always looking. Just try to find a matching color tailpiece or the matching seat trim!
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: 1976 honda 750 super sport sulfur yellow
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 05:47:10 PM »
That looks like a good deal.  Things I would tackle first:  Empty and clean the tank and replace the petcock filter.  Pop the carb bowls off to give you an idea of how clean/dirty they are. The jets can be unscrewed.  Most likely the running issue is here.  Take the brake calipers apart to inspect the pistons for excessive pitting and replace the seals. The front caliper especially has no dust boot so is prone to sticking if the bike has been sitting or dirt gets in there.  Myself I would also put new seals in the master cylinders.  You just don't know how old they are.   If you are not going to do the master cylinders at least pull the boot off the rear and inspect the pushrod.  This can be prone to corrosion caused by moisture, brake fluid, debris collecting in there.  Change the fluid in the forks.  Check valve clearances.  Adjust chain tension.