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Offline nccb

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Re: weather
« Reply #75 on: February 09, 2013, 10:39:41 AM »
Got lucky, only a foot of powder,easy shoveling, even easier when my good neighbor came over with his snowblower while I was driving my wife to work ( she dosen't like to drive sideways, I drive off in the snow just so's I can).
  Upkeep on any property is a drag, when I think of how much $ has gone into mowers, snowblowers,time, and gasoline to remove things that either come back or grow back next week......could have had another garage, got a divorce, and remarried. Dammit, I could have been on a honeymoon cruise right now!

Well, you could be like my lazy ass neighbors and not do anything period to your property.  I am thinking of going out one night and planting cypress trees across their entire line.  In 5 years I shouldn't be able to see them  8)

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: weather
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2013, 10:13:15 AM »
No Bob just 4 1/2 acres and the house is off the road by a bit if I could have figured out the plowing thing   in the winter I would have built it al the way to the back ( I'm an anti social old creature ) it would have cut down on the road noise and let me pretend that humanity doesn't exist the other thing is I have a helluva time trying to semi maintain 4.5 acres, a golf course or quote an estate, Jesus H you'd spend all your time trying to keep it up.
Bill the demon.

Sounds pretty nice, Bill. I'm thinking my little two-stroke Toro snowblower with an 18" bite might take me a while to clear your drive though.  ;)
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: weather
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2013, 01:10:54 PM »
No Bob just 4 1/2 acres and the house is off the road by a bit if I could have figured out the plowing thing   in the winter I would have built it al the way to the back ( I'm an anti social old creature ) it would have cut down on the road noise and let me pretend that humanity doesn't exist the other thing is I have a helluva time trying to semi maintain 4.5 acres, a golf course or quote an estate, Jesus H you'd spend all your time trying to keep it up.
Bill the demon.


Sounds pretty nice, Bill. I'm thinking my little two-stroke Toro snowblower with an 18" bite might take me a while to clear your drive though.  ;)

I had a 2 stroke Toro and it was pretty good. You could get down to the pavement. The only place it had a problem was breaking through that snow drift the town plows put in front of your driveway. You need to pick at that snow wall.
 One thing I learned to do with the Toro was if a big storm was coming I would go out clear the first few inches that came down. Before I turned in I would give it another pass.
My old man bought a new monster Craftsman. After his hip replacement and his being 89, I convinced him to have guy come in and plow and clean off the cars. He gave me the Craftsman, it just bores through drifts like nothing.
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: weather
« Reply #78 on: February 10, 2013, 06:10:41 PM »
My observations with the Toro as well. It will handle up to 10" if it's too wet a snow. Better to tackle bigger storms in two passes. The little hugger just keeps running. I've had for 15 years!!
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Offline demon78

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Re: weather
« Reply #79 on: February 11, 2013, 03:26:40 AM »
Well with us our 4 stroke generic (CTC/Home Hardware/etc) Blower it'll handle pretty much everything except ice but if I tried to clean our driveway it would require at least 3 passes and I'd be #$%*ed up for a week so just let the guy with tractor and the big blower do it, about 5 minutes and it's done, now I admit, that it's a bind when the bill comes in at the end of the season (last year it was $300 and probably more this year) but less wear and tear on me, I wish that I had tried this experiment 20-30 years ago, but what the hell that's the way she goes some times as you get older you try and compensate for your weakness and short comings. By the way guys how did our recent dump affect you?
Bill the demon.

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: weather
« Reply #80 on: February 11, 2013, 07:34:36 AM »
By the way guys how did our recent dump affect you?
Bill the demon.

Here in lower, southeast Michigan it was a non-starter. We might have gotten 3" of medium wet snow over a 1/8" of rough ice. Normally I would have used a shovel (we live on a small lot, 75' drive and some walks, etc.) but with the ice beneath, thought the trusty Toro would do a better job and easier too. We average 52" of snow per winter, but a few years ago we had almost 90" and the poor Toro was having trouble tossing it high and far enough towards the end. Running out of places to put the "weather." The past two winters have been duds. Last year we might have finally gotten 30-35" but it all came in 2-3 inch events so I only bothered with the snowblower once, just so it would get some exercise. So far this year, used it after a 7" storm, if you can call it that, a few weeks ago and then this latest with the ice beneath. Like I said, two dud winters here so far.
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Offline rb550four

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Re: weather
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2013, 02:43:04 PM »
Amarillo Texas,  Heard you all got 19 inches of snow. Is that a usual winter thing for you all?
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Offline Stev-o

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Re: weather
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2013, 05:52:26 PM »
Amarillo Texas,  Heard you all got 19 inches of snow. Is that a usual winter thing for you all?

Yeah, it happens about every 120 years there!   Normal is 17" annually.
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Offline nccb

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Re: weather
« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2013, 06:55:25 PM »
Amarillo Texas,  Heard you all got 19 inches of snow. Is that a usual winter thing for you all?

Yeah, it happens about every 120 years there!   Normal is 17" annually.

of precipitation period right?  being mainly rain

Offline 70CB750

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Re: weather
« Reply #84 on: February 27, 2013, 03:35:05 AM »
Yesterday I could live here with gills, the amount of rain was more than Sandy.
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