I've finally manned up and opened my carbs, I plan on tearing them down and then boiling them to get all the grime and gunk.
I'm using a manual by Tim Boughen as a guide.
This is how my bowls look:
They're cleanish I suppose, but I do have a hairline crack on one of the overflow tubes, and also the drainscrew on carb 1 got stuck, I've tried different drivers on it but I only managed to mangle the slot, so for now I'll just leave it there.
The other thing I noticed is my carbs don't have leaf springs, and now to the floats:
As you guys can see the floats on the outer carbs are way off, compared to the centre ones. But that's not the worse part, the posts on carb 4 look like this:
Basically a piece of wire and some epoxy. Number 1's also rough but not so much:
One of the posts is broken, but I'm guessing that can be fixed.
And finally on carb 4 I found this gem:
Now my questions are these:
What are the missing leaf springs for? Also around this forum I saw someone replace them by a coil spring, can I do that?
And what should I do with the damaged posts?